Sunday, August 21, 2005

Mass Exodus From Muskegon. So Long Old Friends.

Caleb leaves for Hawaii at 4am. Wish I could have seen more of him this summer, but I hope he has a great time on the island. It was a good time with the Dykema boys. Had some awesome tacos and chips. Mexican food is the quickest way to my heart and Bonnie knows it.

Now for some unfinished business. Here's a letter I got in the mail the other day. It is from one of my students I use to teach over at Moon Elementary School. It made me happy that one of my kids wrote me. Especially one that I thought would hate me. I actually suspended this girl and had all sorts of dicipline problems with her. Maybe she likes me because I didn't let her get away with shit? Anyway, I wrote her a nice letter back and sent her a drawing of a dragon. I drew a dragon because my kids loved them and wanted me to make them one all of the time. So, I've become a very skilled dragon artist.

Also, I have developed a wonderful idea. Last night, Ana Shea and I created a "drama-free room." At parties, a room will be set aside for people who are only looking for a good time. Everyone else can beat each other up, cry, or whatever in the rest of the house. If having a good time catches on at parties, the house can become a drama-free zone and a room can be set aside for bitch slapping, fighting, or general yelling. From now on, that is what I will provide for every party. It is genius.

Tomorrow, I have a full day. I will go shoe shopping for my job interview and monday night club. Yep, a full day. Maybe I will win the World Series on Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball too. Right now, the Tigers are in the Wild Card Playoffs and up 2 - 0 against the California Angels. Lame... I didn't drink today since I am still recovering from yesterday. I don't know how much I will drink tomorrow, but it is Andrea's going away party at MNK. It seems I have either a cold or allergies right now. So, that sucks. Well, I'm fried from this weekend. Thanks for a good time all. Have a good time if you are leaving and see you soon if you are staying.

Choose Your Own Title: This Week is The Turning Point - o

eSo, here we go. I decided that I have been lazy with my pictures lately. Therefore, I have posted more this time for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

This is a dancing egg from the side of a semi. I thought he was hilarious. Unfortunately, I didn't realize he was going to be on the back of the trailer too. On the back, it said "Rear end me and the yoke is on you" with the egg looking like a psycho killer. I will have to find this truck again.

On the swingset before Amanda's nondate-date. She's went out with a GR guy that sounds an awful lot alike a guy someone else I know is dating. Not getting in the middle of that.

These ladies at Mo'z dance like they are Charlie Brown. I love them...

Andrea, Big Gay Bill, and myself. More Indie rock album covers.

Corey and April's wedding down at Lake Harbor Park.

Eleanor picking up a date.


Things have really started to look up for me lately. I'm having a blast and really just figuring out what I want and will be doing. I have lots of things on the burner right now and I'm just hoping it doesn't explode in my face. In talking with TAD last night, I realized that I am on the right path and I just have to stay true to that.

So, this week begins the mass exodus of Muskegon. I have had three or so going away parties this week. Caleb, Alice, Colleen, Hasan, and more are all leaving me. So, I wish them luck and we'll have to get together sometime.

I'll be heading to Chicago on Thurday for my job interview. I'm a bit nervous about it, but it should go fine.

Hell, all is going well for me. How bad could it be? Jeez, even Lindy commented last night that I remind him of James Dean. Yes my friend, I am a Rebel Without a Cause. Somehow, that seems appropriate.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

"Then They Started Fighting Over Aaron Carter..."

Man, too tired. I just got home and I need some sleep. My friends are too fun for me. Do you want to know why Muskegon is a fun place to live? Look at the picture below and see what $6 can get you...

That's pretty much what I did yesterday. So...

Today, I am just going to bed and try to figure out what is going on later.


Mike Kraus

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"Get You Walk On. Get Your Head Tight. You Feel This Shit

Nice sunny day all day in Muskegon. Pretty much for the whole summer. Andrea was telling me that it was raining like a bitch in GR. You can see how the sun is bathing our humble hamlet and giving the wrath of a just god upon the Philistines. Actually, the clouds don't look that bad in my pic. But, they were much worse in my memory (as many things are).

Drive-In tonight. Saw Skeleton Key. It was alright. It was pretty exciting at the drive-in though. There was some crazy family in a tiny Geo that screamed at each other. It was like a family from a David Lynch film. Then, there was some guy right next to them that had a heart attack or something and a fire truck and ambulance came to save him. It was fun.

This is a thug. Don't mess with this bitch. She will stab you in the face.

That's about it. My diet and exercise plan is finally yielding expected results. Soon, I will have one of those six pack shirtless choad guy pictures of myself on myspace. What else? I gave a Michigan handshake the other day. Umm... Talked on the phone for a while about drama for ya momma. I am awesome at Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball for the Super Nintendo. I have to make a logo for a record company tomorrow. Hmmm.... I'm really forcing this too much.

Tomorrow. What am I going to do? I have no plans. I shall get myself into trouble somehow.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

"I'm Trying To Hook Up These Two Guys. Neither One Knows They are Gay."

Not sure where I left off and don't really care. Here's a photo documentary of my life...

OH YEAH! Isn't this the most rock and/or roll picture ever? Fuck you if you say "no" because you are a loser. This picture is awesome....

More of Mike's Inn. I have a nice double chin in this too.

Andrea at the new park next to Mike's Inn. So damn awesome.

Look at this shit. Isn't this park beautiful? Man...

Brandon offered me a job in Muskegon Heights as his boss. Sounds like all I have to do is manage the budget and tell him what to do. You know, make him go pick up lunch for me and all. Which reminds me, I have to email him right now. He also informed me that some gay guy from the newspaper thinks I have a hot ass. Sweet. If I were queer I'd be rolling in men.

Good night tonight. I got started before everyone else and had to leave my bike at the bar because of it. Tomorrow, I will pick it up.

What is planned for tomorrow? Well, at 2 pm I will be golfing in crazy clothes; plaid pants, vest, and hat. Then, the drive-in. Should be a good day. Looking forward to it. Need sleep so I can think straight. Right on, losers!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

"I Can Drink A Whole Hennesey Fifth. Some Call It A Problem. I Call It A Gift."

I may not be on any tourism board or anything. But, I found this on Washington Ave. in Grand Haven. Granted, it is with a bunch of other military paraphenalia, I don't think it is a good idea to have Nazi flags promeniently displayed in your windows when your town has a problem of being populated with White Supremicists. Just a gut feeling.

I was in GH with Frances rocking out. I bought her glasses and she bought me food. It was a match made in heaven. My new glasses have yellow lenses and makes me look like a raver. Fucking ravers. I guess it goes along with my new early 90's/emo bang hair cut...

Yesterday was the family reunion. So, plenty of drinking, food, and softball. Saw pictures of Nick's new kid from Big Jer. Talked with him a bit about Chicago and all. I'll be visiting him (maybe) on the 26th.

The Terrorist and I (CIA) went to Lakeshore and hung out with Alice and Megan. Saw Joanna and talked to her a little bit. TJ and Jesse showed up and talked to them a bit. Just kept talking.

Now, this is my Public Service Announcement portion of my blog. Thing of this as being like a do not smoke campaign. This is a "Do Not Drink and Listen To Jeff Bridges" campaign. There was a tree at the show that was leaning and split, which made it perfect for running up. Jeff wanted to "run up trees" and passed the invite along to me. He ran and then I ran. Although, my shoes no longer have tread on them and instead it looked like I just ran full speed into a tree. My knee hurts like shit now. The picture is what it looks like after I cleaned it up. The amazing thing is I was wearing Dickie pants and they didn't even get a scratch on them.

Went to Racquet's after that and saw Amanda, Andrea, and Bobby. There was a guy passed out in vomit next to Amanda's car when we got there. He looked dead and I told the bouncer. They didn't seem to care, but some people carried him off when I tried to help. Hopefully, he knew them. Racquet's got way out of control There were two wedding and a bachelorette parties in there. Dancing on the bar. Wet T-shirt contests. Body shots. Shady guys and horny girls. Lethal combination.

Moved the party to Hasan's and passed out.

Had a picnic at Hasan's when Andrea woke us all up. We were suppose to go to a movie tonight, but Hasan is always late by at least a half hour. Watched Napolean Dynomite instead and laid around Andrea's house.

Guess there was bowling tonight. I didn't get the memo until 1 am. Hope it was fun.

Tomorrow, I have to pick up my final check from work and do some other banking stuff. Check on a few jobs. Monday Night Club. I must do Monday Night Club. Also, meeting with one of my clients. Must meet with client.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Terrorist Intelligence Agency - Same Shit, Different Day (the hit album)

About a week ago, I bitched that Grand Haven was stupid because they have fireworks every year on a dune. Here is my evidence... And that asshole said people from Muskegon were "stupider."

Here is the Commie and the Terrorist.

I (CIA) hung out with Hasan for a while over at P & Q for a while trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Nothing, so we made up our own shit.

Met up with Alice over at Cadillac Jack's. It was a pretty good time. Jesse, Brandon, and TJ were there. I really wasn't in too much of a good mood and not feeling that active.

Brandon certainly knows how to woo the ladies. We are over at Buckley's and every girl who walked through the door got some kind of insult. That drunk asshole. Apologies all around ladies...

Not too sure what is going on today. I'm suppose to get my final paycheck, hang out with Frances, party at Turtle House, something else? Who knows? Call me if you do.

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