Friday, July 22, 2005

Sooo,,,, Yeah.... Well... I Think I've Embarrassed Myself Enough For One Day...

Went out with the boys last night and had a good time. I had my hot pants on and that is always a good time...

Went to Camp Pendalouon with the kids today...

Here they are getting off the bus.

In the wigwam...

Haha!!! They are all asleep.

About 10 minutes before school got out, I had to break up a pretty big fight. These kids were punching the hell out of each other's faces. It was bad and I had to grab them by the scruff of their necks and hold them apart. They wanted to tear into each other like crazy. Wild dogs at times...

It's funny thinking about how you get places. A few months ago, I would have never believed I would be where I am now. Gotta make lemonade out of lemons, man... I'm having a great time with my friends and going out, but the rest is a mess. Patience and persistence. At some point, I will get my act together. I hope it is sooner than later...

Tonight, I have a b-day party. It should be a good time. Rumor has it there will be a pony and a clown. So damn excited. I have to make sure my batteries are fully charged for this...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Just When I Thought I Was Doing Great...

Alice has left the Skee-town. We'll miss that girl and have to find some time to go visit her in Chicago. She overfed me last night, which led me to make plans to visit her parent's house way more often for good eats. Alice's mom is a good cook and likes feeding people. I am people and I like being fed Asian dishes... Sorry Alice, you'll have to visit me often at your parent's house if you want to see me...

Saw some people I haven't seen in a while. It's good catching up and it's nice hanging out with them again. Good times, indeed.

Pretty foggy this morning. Sometimes it is difficult going to school because the turn to demons. The fog only adds to the scary film effect.

I'm not going to write anymore... I just don't feel up to it right now...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Michael and the Chocolate Factory Movie...

Got details about what happened on Monday night at Andrea's birthday bash. Yes, I do have a lot of apologies. Although, I seemed to have made lots of new friends and bought them a lot of alcohol. So, sorry and you're welcome to all...

Here's Hillary getting ready to go to the drive-in. "Get in the trunk and shut up!" Haha! Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I don't know. It was alright. It's hard to create a good remake of a classic film. The Planet of the Apes kind of sucked too. It was entertaining though. Maybe if I was 8 years old and didn't know about the original film and grew up watching it over and over; I might like it...

This booth is as yellow as their popcorn butter...

Look at the clouds. I took this right after school and right before I got soaked in the storm. It looks like the clouds from Ghostbusters. Biking in the rain can be fun.

Tonight, I'll be going to a going away party. Hopefully, it will be fun and just slightly sad. We'll see her again. Once a Skee-towner, always a Skee-towner... I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow other than work. Being a school teacher is tough work. Not necessarily physically, but mentally...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Do I Owe You An Apology For Having Fun?

Good night last night. At least the part I can remember. It was Andrea's 21st b-day. So, we had a night out on the town. First, we went to Pints and Quarts to warm up. We had to get to Captain Jack's at 11 so we could get the limo, which was a surprise gift and I might still owe money on.

Sweet ride. We went to Mike's Inn for Monday Night Club, then to Rossi's in GH, and I don't know what after that. Oh yeah, on the way to GH we picked up some alcohol at the Sunny Mart. Nothing is more awesome than picking up drinks at Sunny Mart in a limo. All the hobos were jealous.

I'm not sure how much money I spent, but it was way too much. I don't know what I was doing, but I remember some girl yelling at me about something and I think I just laughed at her, which made her yell more. I'm not sure how I got home. I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to get that out of control when I had work at 8:45 the next morning. I'll have to talk to someone and make sure I don't have to make any apologies...

If I do, I am sorry... Otherwise, what a great time!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

So, How Did We Get To This Point Again?

Seems like your average run of the mill day. I was tired as shit and still am. I'm on about 7 hours of sleep over three days. My friends and kids at school are going to kill me this month.

The picture above is what I did instead of taking a nap. It was Friday and that means Party In the Park. I only knew a couple of people and that isn't too unusual. Lots of people. Lots of brews. No sleep.

So, last night we were throwing a surprise b-day party for Andrea and needed supplies. Meijer was full of wackos last night since it was the first day of sales of Harry Potter starting at midnight. Check out these people. The sad, but puts a smile on my face, thing is this is a normal Friday night in Skee-town...

Can I talk about the party? I can't post any of the pictures. I don't even know where to begin or explain how only six people can be so out-of-control. Did I fall asleep and dream I was at Muskegon's version of the Playboy Mansion or what? I think I will have to write about this at another time once I have had my sleep and have processed what had happened at this party...

Anyway, you people out there bitching that there is nothing to do in Muskegon are lame asses. There are tons of things to do in this town and most of them are cheap as shit. The drive-in, beach, baseball, festivals, bowling, bars galore, on, and on, and on... I lived in Chicago and had fun. But, it was costly and I sometimes had to save up to go on a night on the town. I'm not even going to explain GR. Just overpriced and full of jerks. Muskegon is cheap, hilarious, and laidback. And if there is nothing to do you have to make your own fun. Ok? OKAY! That's my lesson of the day.

Friday, July 15, 2005


Started off the evening over at Amanda's. I helped her family install this new patio. All I really did was do a little digging. They did the rest. There's new concrete, landscaping, a pond, and soon to be lighting. It looks really nice...

Here is a decorative frog for the pond. He's so high...

Went to Mike's, but no one was there. So, we thought we should go to Lakeshore instead. Well, the Mike's posse moved the festivities and then there was everyone else I knew there as well. Good times and I don't know when I will learn that I should not stay out until 3am when I have to be at work at 8:45 am. When will I learn!!!

Never... It's too much fun...

We went on a field trip at school today. We spent the day at Hoffmaster State Park. I missed the nature walk because a kid had an accident. It was hilarious and I'm not going into detail. If you want to know, ask me sometime...

Two more of my 20 children. They were really good today.

This is lunch. It looks intimidating. But, if you divide and conquer you will succeed...

My job on the playground is to sit and watch kids. When someone smacks their face on something, fight, throw something, or whatever I will get my "big mean daddy" voice and set them straight. The rest of the time I smile and hang out with kids. The boys ask me to play football with them and the girls want to know if I have a girlfriend or try to set me up with a girl. Ahhh, recess...

This is my new god. He should be worshipped appropriately...

That's about it for now. It's shaping up to be an exciting weekend. I can't wait for all of the festivities to begin. There are b-day parties, drinking, and all kinds of stuff. So, call me and we shall rock out. Also, I am warning all of you that I have my agents out there and they WILL take prisoners...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Check Out What My Dentist Gave Me

I just had to show this to the world ASAP. I just got back from the dentist and look at what they gave me. It's my teeth. The blue comes off and is only there for the mold they made for my free bleaching kit. Apparently, I am a C-1 and have the chance to reach a B-1. I don't know what that means, but I assume it means whiter teeth in two weeks...

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