Friday, July 26, 2024

Carefree Wine Tasting: Pinot Grigio/Gris

I am a dummy about wine.  So, this is all about having fun and enjoying good food and drinks.  It's amazing to discover what we really like once we get beyond price, packaging, and marketing.  And we use our notes later to help with our future purchases for meals and/or gifts.

How it works is simple.  We mark each wine glass and mix them to keep their identity secret.  Then we sip each to look for the smell, taste, texture, acidity, and tannins.  We then do it again with food suggestions we've found from various sources.  Finally, we rank our favorites with and without food ending with an overall winner.  

Note before we begin:  What is the difference between Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris?  They are the same grape, but Pinot Grigio is grown in Italy and Pinot Gris is from France.  Pinot Grigio tends to be harvested earlier too for more crispness and dryer flavor.  As the selection is from California, Oregon, and Italy; they're expected to be very close.

Spasso Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie 2022 (no website)
Color: Soft golden yellow
Nose/Smell: Crisp lemon with faint apple
Taste: Tart apple with buttered herbs
Texure/Mouthfeel: Soft with a little bite at the end
Acid/Cheek: lightly Acidic
Tannin/Gumdryness: Slight-to-medium dryness

Clementines: Immediately sour/tart that quickly disappears
Lemon Cookies: Tart-to-sweet.  Brings out the sugars.  Good
Herb Goat Cheese: Super smooth and soft
Lightly Salted Almonds: Punch of sour to start, nutty, then smooth.
Carrots: Mike: neutralized palatte  Megan: Tastes like bad salad
White Chocolate: Bitter that gives way to enhanced chocolate flavor

Color: Light orange/pink/peach
Nose/Smell: Tart sour apple and strawberry
Taste: Tart with very faint peach, sour apple.  Lingering aftertaste
Texure/Mouthfeel: Rough cotton-to-smooth
Acid/Cheek: Medium acid that disappears
Tannin/Gumdryness: A little dry 

Clementines: Mike: smoother, but a little off Megan: Tastes like soap
Lemon Cookies: Mike: Pungent then sweet Megan: Dirty Socks
Herb Goat Cheese: Good, not as tart.  Easy to drink.
Lightly Salted Almonds: Brings out the sour/bitterness.  Makes wine better
Carrots: Mike: neutralized palatte  Megan: eh...
White Chocolate: Good tartness.

Color: Foggy Light Yellow
Nose/Smell: Citrus/Lemon and grass
Taste: Apple, Citrus/Lemon, Buttery
Texure/Mouthfeel: Smooth and soft with nice tartness
Acid/Cheek: Lightly acidic
Tannin/Gumdryness: Sort of dry on back of tongue

Clementines: Really good and full of fruity flavor
Lemon Cookies: Brought out the lemon and went down easy
Herb Goat Cheese: Makes the wine sweet and lemony.  Everything more flavorful
Lightly Salted Almonds: Starts our sweet then lightly sour
Carrots: Mike: neutralized palatte  Megan: yuck
White Chocolate: Paired well, but leaned toward chocolate

Color: Very light hay/yellow.  Bubbly
Nose/Smell: Mike: Sweet woodsiness Megan: Orange Starburst
Taste: Tart Apple and butter
Texure/Mouthfeel: Smooth with a little roughness/stab at throat
Acid/Cheek: low-to-medium acidity
Tannin/GumdrynessLightly dry on the finish

Clementines: Less smooth and emphasizes dryness
Lemon Cookies: Immediately bitter and tart  Mike: Fine. Megan: no good
Herb Goat Cheese: Sweet.  Brings out the lemon of the wine.  Mike: Smoothly tart like Sprite pop/soda
Lightly Salted Almonds: All sour and rough
Carrots: Mike: neutralized palatte  Megan: Best wine with carrots
White Chocolate: Like mineral water

#1 (TIE) Bota Box Pinot Grigio/Spasso Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie 2022
#2 (TIE) Underwood Pinot Gris 2021/Estancia Pinot Grigio 2022

#1 (TIE) Bota Box Pinot Grigio/Spasso Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie 2022
#2 (TIE) Underwood Pinot Gris 2021/Estancia Pinot Grigio 2022

#1 (TIE) Bota Box Pinot Grigio/Spasso Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie 2022
#2 (TIE) Underwood Pinot Gris 2021/Estancia Pinot Grigio 2022

This was the closest tasting we've ever had.  It only varied a bit with levels of fruit flavor, tartness, smoothness, acid, and dryness.  Most of the differences came from their reaction to food, which had a wide range.  I hope this helps you find something you like.  Maybe you'll have a different experience.  Or you'll share one for us to try next time.  THANKS!

See our other wine tasting results at:

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children's Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Monday, July 22, 2024

🤷‍♀️ Am I Ready To Change My HabitsTo Be More Relaxed? 🤷‍♀


Here are a few signs I’m ready to try something new:

  1. I’m Stressed Out: What is causing it and is it worth it? If so, what can I do to mediate the anxiety?
  2. A Painful Challenge: I’m experiencing difficulty with loved ones, money, career, or something else.
  3. Frustration: Negativity and unhappiness has made me sick and tired of the situation.
  4. Barely Holding On: Instead of thriving, I’m going from one disaster to another.
  5. Sad Choices: I prefer to do something else. But, I keep compromising or go along with bad ideas because it’s easier and/or to please someone else.
  6. So Bored…: Every day is the same… Nothing is fun… Ugh…

CHANGE IS DIFFICULT! Read that again. Habits don’t break easily. I have to decide to be more relaxed and believe I can be more calm. And when I fail (because I will sometimes fail), I will try again because I know it will be so rewarding.

😎 How Relaxed and Happy Am I? 😎

When complete, go to “See Answers” and add up the score (there are no incorrect answers). Possible results are 0–40. They indicate:
► Scores ranging from 0–13 would be considered relaxed.
► Scores ranging from 14–26 would be considered moderate stress.
► Scores ranging from 27–40 would be considered high perceived stress.
Did I score a 14 or higher? Write down the score somewhere I can easily find it later. Follow our relaxation guide at: After I’ve completed, take the quiz again to see if I’m more calm and relaxed.

You're invited to:
A celebration of everything we love about Freedom!

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children’s Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

Monday, July 15, 2024

😎 Do I Seem Calm and Relaxed To You? Ask A Friend 😎


Sometimes, we have difficulty seeing ourselves how we really are. Especially when we are stressed out. So, it can be a good thing to ask a loved one about their impressions of us. To give us a healthy perspective. Here are a few good questions to ask:

-Do I appear frustrated to you lately?
-How do you know when I’m feeling anxious? (Words and actions)
-How well do you think I handle stress?
-What do you believe is causing me the most stress: home life, work, or relationship, other?
-Do you have any suggestions to help me be more calm and relaxed?

Seeing ourselves through someone else’s eyes can have a big impact.

😎 How Relaxed and Happy Am I? 😎

When complete, go to “See Answers” and add up the score (there are no incorrect answers). Possible results are 0–40. They indicate:
► Scores ranging from 0–13 would be considered relaxed.
► Scores ranging from 14–26 would be considered moderate stress.
► Scores ranging from 27–40 would be considered high perceived stress.
Did I score a 14 or higher? Write down the score somewhere I can easily find it later. Follow our relaxation guide at: After I’ve completed, take the quiz again to see if I’m more calm and relaxed.

You're invited to:
A celebration of everything we love about Freedom!

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children’s Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

Monday, July 8, 2024

😎 How Relaxed An Happy Am I? 😎

 Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

😎 How Relaxed and Happy Am I? 😎

When complete, go to “See Answers” and add up the score (there are no incorrect answers). Possible results are 0–40. They indicate:
► Scores ranging from 0–13 would be considered relaxed.
► Scores ranging from 14–26 would be considered moderate stress.
► Scores ranging from 27–40 would be considered high perceived stress.
Did I score a 14 or higher? Write down the score somewhere I can easily find it later. Follow our relaxation guide at: After I’ve completed, take the quiz again to see if I’m more calm and relaxed.

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children’s Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

Monday, June 24, 2024

🎨 How Do I Start An Art Collection? 🎨

 Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

How do I start an art collection?  Every collection started with one piece of art that someone loved.  And there's many ways to do it with no "right" answer.  But, here are a few things to consider:

Purpose: Is it to complement your home?  Is art an investment?  Maybe you want to surround yourself with a beautiful subject, style, or artist's creations.  What is important to you?

What Medium?: Do you want paintings, sculptures, prints, photographs, woodworking, jewelry, etc.?  Whatever it is, look up the technique to help guide you to quality work.

Research: Which pieces will fulfill your purpose?  Look online, local galleries, and art fairs.  Who makes the artwork?  How much does it cost?  And don't hestitate to ask questions.

Budget:  How much and how will you use it?  Will you spend $1,000 on one piece for the year?  Or will you decide to buy 10 pieces for $100 instead?

Purchase and Make Friends: Introduce yourself to the artist, curator, dealer, gallerist, museum director, etc.  Share your story.  Ask them about their journey.  The art world is a small community and so much of it happens in hidden studios, storage units, vaults, and other mysterious places. 

The most important thing about collecting art is that you are having fun.  Over time, you'll figure out what is best for you and that is what will make your home wonderful.

Want to meet new friends and have fun?

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children's Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Monday, June 10, 2024

🎨 What If I Don't Know Anything About Art? 🎨

 Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

What if I don't know anything about art?  I can help you.  An interior design professional can guide you.  And, with the internet, books, and magazines, you can help yourself.  Art is all about training your eye how to see.  

Don't just look at art, but try to actually see it.  Take a moment to close you eyes and clear your mind.  Now, really look at the painting; the subject, colors, shapes, technique, etc.  How does this image make you feel?  Do you think the artist saw and felt the same things you do when they created the piece? Is this a literal subject or is there a metaphor?  When was it was created and does it mean something different now?  Why?

Feel free to ask questions if there's something you don't know or understand.  I've asked an artist questions about their pieces and have been given amazing demonstrations about their technique and mindset.

Want to meet new friends and have fun?

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children's Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

🎨 Where Can I Find Art? 🎨

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

Where Can I Find Art?  A good place to start is online.  Especially if you're not sure what you're looking for.  Randomly visit pages on, and even to see what artists are making.  You may not find what you are looking for, but you may discover the styles and subjects you want.  And that's a great step forward.

Social media can be a wonderful tool for finding and purchasing artwork too.  If you find an artist you like, you should follow them on Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or any other places you have in common.  Many artists will share their latest pieces, upcoming shows, or give insights into their work.

While New York City, Paris, and London are famous for their galleries, many towns have galleries of their own with a range of local and international artists.  Art festivals and craft fairs are popular annual events that can sometimes travel around the country.  Many artists have studios that are open to the public.  Shows, events, and studios are great places to visit when you're on vacation too. 

It's also important just to keep your eyes open when going around town.  Does the cafe where you get your coffee in the morning have pieces for sale on the walls?  What are those paintings in the garage sale or thrift store?  Does the pieces in your favorite restaurant have price tags on them?  Interesting artwork can show up in unique places.  And the more unique, the better the story usually is.

Want to meet new friends and have fun?

Mike Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Center, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Lurie Children's Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

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