Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Sun Was Out Run

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Outrun the Sun seemed to be a big success again this year, despite the rain.  The skies did clear up and lots of runners, walkers, families, and friends came out to enjoy the festivities.

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Volunteers getting everything set up

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Excitement at the Kidzone!

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Megan and I volunteered to be road marshalls this year.  Here is the first batch of runners on Lake Road turning down Burnett.  

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Moving right along

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And now the mob!  Hundreds of racers pass by.  A great time was had by all.  For more information about Outrun the Sun and the Rochester Melanoma Action Group, please visit: http://www.melanomaaction.org

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The doe and two fawn are in the backyard just chillin.'

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I can't have guest visit and not try to entertain them.

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WAIT!  I just want to bother you!

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Tails up and they're off.

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Sure, they run away when I come to see them.  But, when I'm trying to have a peaceful moment at my fire pit they terrorize me.  

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Megan and I had a mini-date to Rumi's Grill and Cafe (http://rumisgrillcafe.com/) at 2735 Monroe Ave in Brighton (the old Pizza Hut).  Here are a couple of beef flats, which is a flat bread with lots of veggies and spices.  And, not a bad deal at $2.95.

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This is a Rumi's Doner, which is essentially a beef and lamb sub.  It was soooooo good.  I don't know if the locals know what to make of this place yet.  But, we felt adventurous and want to try it out.  It's a good Mediterranean/Turkish restaurant.  Rumor has it that they have a great breakfast.

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Happy Birthday Dick!  Megan made a delicious cake that had many adventures in my car

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Bailey's BBQ Sauce from Fruitport, Michigan!  This is really the gift that keeps on giving.  First as food and now as a vase.  

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Midget parking?  Saw this at Yotini's Yogurt Shop, which hasn't opened yet last time we walked by.  Never know what you'll find wandering the neighborhood.

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Court Street Bridge over the Genesee River with the Freddy Sue Bridge (Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge) in the background.

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Broad Street Bridge.  This is one of the more interesting things about downtown Rochester.  For those that don't know, the first level of arches use to be the Broad Street Aqueduct of the Erie Canal.  It carried barge traffic from the Erie Canal over the river.  In the 1920s, it was converted for use for the subway system and the top level was added for automobile traffic.  There's been talk about opening the bottom level up to the public with a walkway, stores, and other projects.  

That's about it.  The PGA Championship is in town at Oak Hill Country Club.  Megan and I plan on stopping over at there to see a practice round.  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Don't Forget the Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma!

The Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma is the largest evening event of its kind in America benefiting skin cancer education and melanoma research. The evening start time helps keep participants out of the sun's harsh daytime rays! The event includes a melanoma heroes recognition program, live music, refreshments, educational information booths, a Kids' Zone and more. This event engages people of all ages to run or walk for an important cause.

Rochester, NY

August 2

Webster Park

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


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"I'm difficult" with "Most difficult."  Only a matter of time before the apprentice becomes the master...

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MEER MEER ME MEER!  You mean we're going to eat pizza and play board games!  Beeker is excited
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Bonfire means one thing, Aunt Megan has S'more supplies!

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Rachel ponders the deer and two fawn she just saw.  Wonders if the fawn would be willing to join the slumber party and snuggle.

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Nothing like a little Palace, Garbage, and Go Fish card games before going to bed.

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CHOCOLATE JELLY WAFFLES!  Some little girl really loves her Aunt Meg

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Aunt Meg and Rachel working on their arts and crafts project

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A skeleton vase!

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Even the garbage is art!  We hope you had a lot of fun with us Rachel.  We hope you had fun on your really belated b-day slumber party!

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On another note, when did Megan and I buy a boat?
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The gang's all here.  Nothing like walking along the Erie Canal in Fairport and finding a fun pontoon boat.  I'd like to take this ship from Buffalo to NYC.  

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Cap'n of da ship! 

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YEAH!  FRIED TURKEY!  Or, someone is starting a meth lab...  This is you start thinking when you watch Breaking Bad.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 Questions You Never Thought To Ask Me About Mormonism and Still Should Not...

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HILL CUMORAH PAGEANT! (http://www.hillcumorah.org/Pageant/index.php)  For several years, I've been trying to go to this.  Ever since I moved to Rochester and discovered that Mormonism was founded here.  IT IS AMAZING!  It's ten stories from the Bible and Book of Mormon reenacted by over 800 cast and crew, with over 1,300 costumes, on a 10-level stage, with more special effects than a KISS concert.  AND IT'S FREE!  

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Here's a shot of the stage.  This is one of the rare moments I wish I had a high end telescopic camera.  I couldn't tell you how many people are here.  There's about 8,000 seats and tons of people sitting behind with their own lawn chairs and blankets.  And, the costumed cast walk around before the show starts.  Unfortunately, I didn't know about this and showed up too late to have my picture taken with anyone.  There's more on wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_Cumorah_Pageant)

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This is Nephi's vision of the tree of life.  Honestly, I'm not sure about this part of the story.  So, if you are interested you should visit the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) website at (http://www.lds.org).  But, that blue is some kind of a water fountain with a light feature.   

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Too blurry.  I could tell you this was a crown or what I had for dinner and you'd have to just take my word for it...

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This is The Building of a Ship and The Voyage to Ancient America.  Again, don't take my word for it.  But the guy, Nephi, at the tree above was told by God to build a boat.  Him and his family sail the ship and upset God, which causes him to create a storm and nearly drown them.  They end up in America and Nephi writes part of the Book of Mormon.  His brothers that upset God are still causing trouble, which leads to more trouble later on.

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What's that glowing at the top of the set?  It's JESUS!  I really need to figure out how they got his outfit to glow like that.  It's much more subtle in person, but still very noticeable.  

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I think this is a battle scene

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I don't know what's going on here.  But, I will tell you that a guy named Mormon wrote a history of his people on gold plates.  He was killed and his son, Moroni finished his writing and buried the plates in Palmyra, New York (just outside of Rochester).  In the 1820s, Moroni is now an angel and tells Joseph Smith where he buried the golden plates.  Hint: they are in the hill where the play is taking place.  So, Joseph Smith has the golden plates printed as the Book of Mormon.  This is how the church started.

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Just look at all the actors and actresses!

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Again, please take what I say about this with a grain of salt.  My expertise in Mormonism is limited to a couple of pamphlets and wikipedia.  What I do have to say is this is a great show and I highly suggest going to it.  You know me, I love seeing and doing things that are unique to a region and the only place you'll see this is Rochester.  I just wish my photos could do it justice...

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Here's some anti-Mormon protesters yelling about something.  I'm not sure about what.  They were very vocal though.  And, they seemed to be hurling insults I didn't understand.  The Pillsbury Doughboy seemed to upset one of them for some reason.

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"Ask me why you deserve HELL."  Geez, I can think of a dozen reasons without having to ask someone what else to add to the list...


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The Big Bobber Floating Cooler.  Dave and Alison really outdid themselves this time.  I can't wait to get Dick the matching fishing pole.

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This is Penny.  This photo of her is way larger than her actual size.  

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A little birds nest in a hanging plant.

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Mmmmmm...  Sak's Thai Restaurant (http://saksthaicuisine.net/) in Perinton.  This is the last place I'd expect to find a good Thai restaurant (on 31 between Pittsford and Palmyra).  But, I got my curry fix before Hill Cumorah.  What a great night.

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Conceptual art?  Perhaps we're trying to make our backyard more comfortable?  Or, are we just cleaning the cushions of our couch?  It's a mystery we may never know...

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THERE BACK!  Here's the doe with her two fawn playing in our backyard.  I've never seen deer play like this before.  The two fawns were darting all over the place chasing each other.  I guess that partially explains why the grass is so matted down.

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I admit I spend way too much time looking out my back windows to see if the deer are there.  It's the first thing I do in the morning and I pretty much peek every time I walk by a window.

That's all for now.  Gotta go get some dinner and buy a dehumidifier.  Take care of a few things before Megan gets back from her conference.  No big plans this week...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Downtown Ra-cha-cha

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Downtown Rochester looking west.  I haven't been down here in a while.  

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Mercury Statue (http://rocwiki.org/Mercury_statue) at the old Kimball Tobacco Factory (http://rocwiki.org/William_S._Kimball_Tobacco_Factory) with the Times Square Building (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Times_Square_Building_(Rochester)) behind it.

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First Federal Plaza (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Federal_Plaza).  Too bad the revolving restaurant isn't on the top anymore...

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The Granite Building (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granite_Building) is one of my favorite buildings in the area.  

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Chase Tower (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chase_Tower_(Rochester))  Seems like this is where God banks...

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And, of course, the old Lehigh Valley Railroad Station (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehigh_Valley_Railroad_Station_(Rochester,_New_York)), which is now Dinosaur BBQ (http://www.dinosaurbarbque.com/)

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Here's where the first photographic film was produced by Kodak.  Now, it's just another parking garage in a city of parking garages.  

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THE BUNNY!  I'm not sure what Megan would do if she saw this hopping at her in the backyard...

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Rachel and I hunting for ribbits (frogs) at Papa's house.

That's it.  Now to go have Megan's car repaired...  again...

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