Monday, November 27, 2006


The X-mas season official kicked off with all the insane folks killing each other getting $7 toasters and $5 DVDs at Best Buy and Wal-Mart. That Jesus and his consumerism...

Zoo Lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Real # 56,654,591 Chicago is the best place in America

Inside the LPZ

At the Seal Tank. We think they are choir boys since they had loud music behind them.

The LPZ giftshop in the background.

Main walkway of LPZ

Again, main walkway of LPZ

This guy was pretty popular with kids and adults alike. Not sure why...

Penguins jumping from an igloo.

Walking down the African animals exhibits

A gingerbread man and his wife that he keeps in the kitchen...

A gator!

Oh, the fond memories. Do you Skee-town folk remember this fella? He's the centerpiece from the ol' Muskegon Mall. He use to sit on that stage-ish thing near Steketee's while Santa was on top of the water fountain.

Santa placing gifts under the tree in drag.

We've got crabs!

Nothing says "X-Mas" like a homeless guy with bloody fingers, smoking, and eatting a Chicago dog...

What the hell is goin' on here?

A Lion. He's so bad at football that he's currently tied with the Arizona Cardinals for the worst team. So, when are we going to fire Matt Millen?

Fairy tale x-mas lights.

Jack and the Bean Stalk.

Santa Claus in the Monkey House. I wish they would have put this in one of the exhibits...
That's it from Chicago. I think I'm recovered from my great stay in Muskegon over T-Day. I'll have to work on my plans for x-mas now. I have about four weeks of personal time and vacation to use. So... xoxo, Mike

Friday, November 24, 2006

I *Heart* Muskegon


Man, Muskegon was such a good time! I'm glad to have seen so many of you there!

Dustin and Jo (Van Dusen) Hayes with Adam in the foreground and Karli and Nick in the background at the Marine Tap Room. There were so many others there as well. I think half of the people I've met in my life were there that night. The other half were at Lakeshore waiting in line to get in...

The Marine Tap Room - The Fourth Branch of Government and home of the Mayor of Muskegon.

Frances with a side of the best pizza ever!

Frances a few minutes later when I forgot that I already took a picture with her...

Frances and Nate at Naughty's later on in the evening.

Matt at Naughty's

Frances with the halo of an angel and the face of a drunk...

Hung out with the 'ol family for some turkey, football, and talk time. Good thing Muskegon has lots of bars.

What says "Muskegon" more than the Sherman bowling alley?

Malini at Sherman. This awesome girl is a badass school teacher in Brooklyn now.

My adoptive family gathers around the table for the traditional Thanksgiving feast of beer and bowling. It's what Thanksgiving would be like for the rest of America had the Puritan Pilgims landed on the shores of Muskegon rather than Plymouth. What a shame...

That's all. It was really great seeing everyone and getting to hang out. I have to make sure I get back home more often considering I live just a short drive away. I may live in Chicago, but my heart is proudly full of the grit and grime of Muskegon.



Monday, November 20, 2006

T-Day Minus Three Days and Counting...

Hey All,

What's going on for Thanksgiving? I'll be back in Muskegon and I'm sure I will be up for lots of drinking and hanging out from Wednesday evening till sometime Friday. With my parent's getting divorced, it doesn't look like it's going to be too festive around the Kraus house. Anyway, give me a call...


Federal Plaza

The History Channel sponsored an event for their show Engineering An Empire, which is one of my favorite shows. I was real excited to hear they were going to be at my work. Although, I was really disappointed that the host, Peter Weller (of Robocop fame) wasn't there.

Setting up for competition for vision of Chicago in 2106

More set-up


Placing X-mas decorations before the Festival of Lights on Michigan Avenue.

Trump Tower

Rebekah and Martin on Martin's last day of work. Tour and Membership department just got back from lunch with him before having a little celebration at his desk in CitySpace.

Judges looking over the models for History Channel competition.

More judging eyes...

Listening to the Hamburg, Germany group.

Lt. Governor Pat Quinn announces that Urban Labs wins. My contribution was giving him the envelopes that contained the winners. How very Oscar!

Jame Party of 4, which had 5+ members @ the Two-Way

Nick with the robotic eye.

Nick, Mike & Matt's boss, and Matt a day after getting hit by a car @ Two-Way.

The boss, Mike, & Matt @ Two-Way

The North Ho(tel) near my apartment.

Another adventure into cat porn. Oh yeah, Lady!

There's the money-shot!

Here's a late movie review:

Borat - I laughed through that whole movie. It was so vulgar that some 25-30 girl next to me had to leave. Awesome!

The Departed - One hell of a movie. Great story and good acting. Some good funny parts too. Last shot is cheesy, but whatever...

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Terrible. About an hour too long. Especially since there was no story or point to the whole excursion. It would have been nice if their poor fake accents were understandable too.

See you all soon.


The Kraut

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

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