Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Photo Extravaganza like you never seen before.

Here's is a photo bonanza. It's pretty much all of the good pictures I've taken since I moved to Chicago in early September until Thanksgiving. There are more, believe you me. Sorry they are not in chronilogical order (so Post-Modern). Anyway, hope you like them:

Odd start, I admit. Basically it's a photo at the Art Institute that went horribly wrong, but I still like.

My neighborhood after the rain

This is the Art Institute where I worked in September and October

This is the preparation for the construction of the new wing at the Art Institute

This is where I worked at the Art Institute

Fellow Art Institute comrade

Same girl, only this time it's halloween

Again, halloween party. We are at her house.

It is her house as well.

Wow! That's all I will say

When they started building this at the Art Institute, I thought they were building a patio for a hot tub or something

This is what I tried to capture with the earlier abstract photo

Alice at the Addison stop

Alice's most awesome wonderful Korean food ever.

Alice's view of the city

Alice at Blue Bayou

Andrew and Kate rockin' out at Murder House

Aragon Ballroom

This is where I work now at the Chicago Architecture Foundation.

Again, the Chicago Architecture Foundation

Mike and Audrey at her going away party. She quit her job. She didn't really leave us.

Best mailbox ever

Restaurant near my house

Blue Bayou.

Chicago Brauhaus

This is what happens to all of you failed musicians who don't know when to give up.

Danke, gut!

Brian and I at Murder House

Chicago Bucket Boys as featured on a KFC commercial

There is no liberal bias in Chicago.

This is Alice's cat. He is the gatekeeper of hell. And, according to a TV commercial, owner of a pool hotel for lovers on a romantic getaway.

Chicago is beautiful

Chinese restaurant monster near my apartment

Cloudy Chicago fall day

Club Foot

This building was featured in Batman Begins.

I am a proud customer of this store. They keep me supplied in nails, paint, and plungers.


The Crobar again. Thanks Alice for the VIP treatment

Chicago Symphony Orchastra at Millenium Park

My dad tipping a few at the Brauhaus

Damen stop on the Blue Line.

Damen Stop on the Brown Line

Art Institute Co-Worker, Co-Killa

Double Door show

Why would wine called "Dry Sack" be so cheap?

Best anti-drug message ever

Ellen DeGenerous (sp?) look-alikes driving around for some reason

Farmers Market

First day of work at the Art Institute. I look like a Jarhead

Thompson Center. One of my favorite buildings.

This is how German my part of town is. This is in the library.

This is outside of the library. It is the Maypole.

The Chicago lakeshore

The world famous "chouch" being moved to our apartment

The Grizzly Bear Scare.

View from the Hancock Building

Another Hancock shot

Once more.

World's fancies Home Depot

This guy actually lives near me. I am in love.

The Grizzly Bear at the most authentic Irish bar I've ever been to

Mike, Audrey, and myself at Jimbo's during Sox playoff


Playoff madness

WGN interview

Media outside of Jimbo's

Jimmy Buffett madness outside of Wrigley

Too many Buffett fans.

Most awesome Karate poster ever.

Art Institute Co-Worker

Art Institute Co-Worker and neighbor, Crystal. She was so trashed. I cropped this photo unfortunately. You should have seen the look I was giving her back.

After my, I guess, date with Monica.

The loneliest balloon ever at the Art Institute. The girl in the pumpkin outfit killed in minutes later for no other reason than to kill joy. Did I mention she's also a teacher?

My magical fountain

My magical park

Megan and Alice at Club Foot

Megan, Erika, and Alice at Club Foot before 2 of the 3 took off and tried getting themselves raped and killed. (Just kidding, kinda)

Meigs Field.

Most true representation of Michigan I've ever seen

I waited over two years to eat this Mild Curry Chicken. The most addictive meal ever.

Millenium Park Prarie

Pritzker Amplitheater at Night

Chicago moonlight

My 8 x 10 shot when I was going to attempt being in a Clint Eastwood movie. Didn't use it since I got a job and didn't have time to waste anymore.

Do you know Rod Stewart?

This is Murder House in full effect

The New Soldier Field.

Uptown building that I had no idea was so beautiful

Nick's 21st b-day present

Mike and Nick on his 21st

Matt at Nick's 21st

Mike and Nick a little later on his 21st

Milwaukee/Damen/North on an early Fall night

Some kind of mayhem

Beautiful artwork at the Golden Nugget

Palmer House, the longest continuously running hotel in America

Palmer House again

These are a friend of a friend of a friend who had a tiny puppy with them at a party. It was at DePaul University.

So many damn birds

The most beautiful plywood ever.

Peace protest at Federal Plaza also advocating for the impeachment of George W. Bush.


They were lined up like this around the whole area


The saddest little angel ever. Won't you end the war and impeach Bush to make him happy?


Police swarm area for no apparent reason

Police swarm area to prevent flag burning by anarchists

Police get into faces of protesters

Ararchists and police negotiate

Burn, Baby, Burn!

Rise up.

There she goes

Look at all the journalists

Rayon smells bad while on fire

The media.

At least it was keeping me warm that day.

Can you really take a cop on a Segway seriously? Maybe if they had some guns mounted to it.

Hippy anarchist yuppie motha fuckas dancing around a flag. They have truly shown the man what is up

More hippie/anarchist dancing

Cops decided to hang out instead of provide security. Amazingly, no more incidents happened. Coincidence?

Girls pose for "My First Protest" picture. Very cute.

Kim (aka Kimchi) told us about the most amazing pumpkin carving show ever at Phyllis' bar.

Alice peddling amazing animated pumpkin machine. This is true art. As the table turns, a strobe light goes off lighting a single pumpkin. It's basically a hung flip book that's good for your legs and ass.

This is what the animation was of.

Creepy Siskel and Ebert pumpkin. I saw Ebert not that long ago and he lost a lot of weight since I saw him in October of 2003. He must of had that surgery.

Can you tell me what this is? It's from Kim's animal collection. It is my belief that the Beany Baby company had lots of leftovers and decided to make a Military Bear Rabbit.

Am I wrong? Isn't this the fortune telling machine from "Big" starring Tom Hanks? If so, I will make a few wishes next time I am there.

Alice and myself in the foreground. The Jennifer Aniston/Sarah Jessica Parker girl with red eyes in the background is Monica. My wingwoman set me up with her when I first moved to Chicago. Last I heard, she's going to move to Boston to work at the zoo as a vet. Very impressive.

This is the creepiest halloween decoration ever at night. It's at the school across the street from me. They also had something that looked like two homeless people making a drug deal at their back door. Weird.

Chicago Architecture Foundation's security system. If you ever see me running down Michigan Ave. with a fog horn, you will know there is a shoplifter somewhere ahead of me.

My manager, Jenny, showing me how the security system works. She is a star on PBS.

The rogue Segway Gang of Chicago. Can you believe each one of these people paid $70 to do this? Man, I'd rather get the beat down most gangs give you for initiation.

I don't even remember. Very emo myspace though

My adoptive home.

White Sox duck fans. Very strange people must live here.

Sox Pride!

Look at all these people looking at a lion wearing a hat. No one ever does this when I wear a hat.

Installing the hat as I head to work. I like the guy straddling the lion. Very hawt.

Picasso wearing a hat. Every damn thing in Chicago was wearing a hat. Mayor Daley demanded it.

Stag Party show on one of my first nights in chicago with Nummerdor

Look at this display at a store near my house.

View from my apartment.

Tearing down a house

Ted Leo show. I have a crush on the lead singer of the band "Just A Fire." I don't know why. I think it's just because she seems very talented and very honest in her art.

More Ted Leo

All of my neighbors at the show

Balcony of Ted Leo show at Metro

Mo' Ted Leo


Just A Fire setting up.

Seemed to fit the mood of what I was thinking when I was unemployed and walking around at 4 am on a weekday.

The lady forced this poor Mexican immigrant to play his guitar. He could have recieved a $300 fine for this.

He knows how to rock though.

Poor caged angel.

Why is this lady so sad. Doesn't she know she lives in Chicago, the greatest city in America!!!

These people were protesting Turkey for some reason. I couldn't figure out why, but they were pretty funny.

I don't like heights. This is where I see my movies usually and it gives me a touch of vertigo.

The sweetest violin lesson ever. It's halloween and that is why the child is wearing a cape. I wish it was just because he is that cool.

Western stop connection to German village. My ancestors lived in this part of town when they moved to the United States. It kinda makes it feel more like home having a history here.

This is were I worked at the Art Institute.

Beheaded mannequins at Sears murdering each other. It's like Baghdad in there.


I think each and every one of these guys hugged and kissed me at some point during the victory celebration. It was all girls on Halsted. So, it wasn't all bad.

My friend Tim is on the far left. This is one of my favorite pictures and I plan to have it made into a full sized poster when I have an extra $70 lying around. It reminds me of the French Revolution.

And they screamed, "GO SOX! FUCK THE CUBBIES, GO SOX!"

This viaduct was so damn loud after the victory.

This is wear we watched the final World Series game. During a live broadcast on Univision (the spanish network), Tim bear hugged the reporter and screamed into the mircrophone, "THE FUCKIN' SOX ARE GOING TO WIN THE FUCKIN' SERIES! AAAHHH!!!" They cut the broadcast and told him not to swear into the camera. He retorted "How do they know I'm swearing? Don't they speak Spanish?" Touche.

Well, I hope you all liked my overwhelming posting of photographs. This is what my life has been like since I moved to Chicago. I hope to post these a little bit more regularly. Anyway, I love you all and will see you soon.

-Mike Kraus

Saturday, September 3, 2005

He's Leaving Here Tonight...

Quick blog tonight. I have to pack up some stuff. I declined the job in Chicago because it was a bunch of swindlers that are going to end up in Federal prison because of tax fraud and misrepresentation. Long story that will be told at a later date. But, I am still moving to Chicago. Sorry to some of you and congrats to others on the news... Here we go...

This is the livingroom to my new apartment. I live in the matrix and the rent is cheap because of the pixalization. It also has a couple of nice sized bedrooms, a decent kitchen, and patio. Rock!

This is State St. Four years of my life was based on a few blocks on this road. I lived in two apartments here, was filmed in Rocky & Bullwinkle the Movie, Graduated at the Chicago Theatre, and many other milestones here. Lots of memories...

Art show at the bean. Fucking rad.

Millenium Park fountain.

fountain again.

View from Tribune Building killing time. It is dead now.

Trying to photograph the coolest ice cream truck ever. You will never know it's radness.

Still trying to capture the essence of the ice cream truck and failing. It is your loss.

Mike Nummerdor's Mom. She is the best and you already know that. She made us brownies and then forced Dale to buy us hot dogs and gyros. So damn cool.

Kedzie stop on the Green Line photographed from roof of apartment building.

Not sure what to tell everyone. Had a good week in Chicago and hope it will be wonderful living there again. I'm going to miss everyone in Muskegon and hope you can all visit me real soon. Here is my address:

Mike Kraus

1836 Lawrence Apt 1A

Chicago, IL 60640

Hopefully, I will have a cell phone by Tuesday. If I have access to the internet I will post it. Otherwise, I will call a few people and ask you spread it around like an unwanted STD. I don't know when I will be posting on here next. But, know that I love and miss you all and that I want to rock out with you in the Windy City ASAP.

<3 Mike

Monday, August 29, 2005

"We'd Be On the Boat and Do the Thing."

Last night may have been my last full day in Muskegon for a while. I may be back next weekend. I may not. I don't know. So, I had an impromptu (sp?) going away party. How unplanned was this going away party? Not even the people who live in Turtle House knew it was my going away party until at least half way through. The pictures tell the story of the evening.... For the most part.

Don't cry Tania. I'll be back in Muskegon soon. And Chicago is a fun place to visit.

Look at those luscious sideburns. Damn baby, no wonder the Rambone sleeps with you at night.

Pondering what Muskegon is going to be without Mike Kraus? Who will go to the Vous with you? Who will mom talk art to? Oh, the worries...

I am the drunkest looking sober man I have ever seen.

Nice. You wonder why I call you The Terrorist. The CIA knows what he is talking about.

Andrea and Leslie smoking and drinking.

Guns, beer, and cigarettes. Sounds like a good evening. Now, what can you do in the back seat of a Rivera in the Turtle House driveway. Oh, I remember... 4-eva...

What are you telling Ana-Shea, Nick? It looks like you are picking up some strange woman off the streets of Chicago and she's not having it. Story of my life...

Best friends Forever. This picture is the last piece of Hasan's going away birthday present. The girls got him a picture frame and this pic is what's going in it.

I'm going to miss you all. At the beginning of summer, I was a miserable mess. Yet, somehow it ended up being one of the best times of my life. I've had so much fun, learned a lot about myself, learned a lot about my friends, and love you all. When I move to Chicago, I expect each and everyone of you to come down and sleep on my couch. I will post my phone number and mailing address once I know what it is. I might be out of communication for a while. Don't worry, I'm just a nomad.

Today, I have a job interview at the American Red Cross. I'm just going to go in and be an arrogant jerk. I know I'm not going to work there. They can't match the job offer I got. But, I might make a friend there and be able to leverage something at a later date. After that, I will pack up the little electric car and drive down to Mike Nummerdor's place. We might go see some grizzly bear movie and drinking. I'm really glad that when I move to Chicago this time I am going to have some really good friends there to hang out with.

Don't forget me Muskegon, I love you all...

Mike Kraus

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Hey all, long time no see. Had a good time in the Windy City. Stayed at a hotel just off Michigan Ave. and was there hardly at all. The first night, just went to a few bars including the one at the top of the Hancock Building. I hate it up there. It's too high. Even if I'm not scared of terrorism, I was up there, I don't like that the building moves, and something else. Good times with the Grizzly Bear.

Millenium Park is rad. I saw this right before some crazy guy jumped off the Michigan Ave. bridge into the river. I didn't see him jump. Just watched the rescue. I heart crazies.

Look at this McDonald's. It came from outer space. It's like an original McDonald's on steroids. It's also nutty.

Stopped by Mike Nummerdor's place and saw all my old neighbors. We are getting Crestwood tattoos now. This picture of Matt is how I imagine Jesus would look like if he were to come back today. Matt Christ has a certain blasphemous ring to it.

After the California Cutter Bar, Mike, his girlfriend who is awesome Audrey (sp?), Alice Won, and I went to Burger King. Some cop wouldn't let us in because they were mopping the floor. But, he did take our order and got our food for us. Nice guy, but what the hell is with Chicago cops? Why is he taking my order? Why is he not letting us into the restaurant? Is he just messing with us? Whatever...

I might be spending some time here at the Hillside Bowl. This restaurant is called Lucky's Place. It's diner food at its best. And, some of you might have caught on that I might be working in Chicago. I have a job interview on Monday with the Muskegon Red Cross. I'll do it, but decline the position because it is temporary. Then, I have to go back to Chicago for an orientation and possible hire on Tuesday. I think I will have an apartment there in a week. So... I might be leaving Muskegon... again... But, all of you are more than welcome to visit. Tomorrow is probably going to be the last day I can really hang out in Skee-town. So... call me... I have a wedding reception tonight, but it shouldn't go too long...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

John Tesh Was An Alien?

The cake says it all...

The birthday went well. I think Hasan really liked it. He was so thankful and I think almost cried at one point. That kid will never want to leave Muskegon after this.

After the Glenside Pub, we headed to the drive-in to see The 40-Year Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers. Hilarious sexual comedies. I thought it was funny that Steve Carrell (sp?) was picked on for riding his bike so much since that is how I get around town. Maybe he'd have better luck if he had a sweet bike like my 1979 Schwinn Cruiser instead of the Pee-Wee Herman bike.

Oh yeah, I have a pen pal now. My student from Moon School sent me another letter. It's pretty funny. I like the drawings illustrating the letter.

I got a call from the American Red Cross for a job interview. So, Mr. Jacob Dykema, I need to know the name of your mom's neighbor who applied pressure for me. Candy or something? It's a pretty cool job. Basically, I would travel around the world for three week deployments helping people in disasters. I would be awesome at that. With job interviews, it's either feast or famine. Seems to be feast right now.

Anyway, not too much going on. Andrea and I are going to her grandparent's house for dinner. Maybe he will make me mix tapes after that. I don't know what we are doing afterwards. All I know is I can have too rough of a night because I have to head to Chicago tomorrow.

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