Showing posts with label zine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zine. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 2012 #27

Issue #27

Goodbye Chicago.  You’ve always had a place for me on your broad boulevards.  But, I’m married now and it’s time for me to move on.  To settle near family and have kids of my own.  Find a place to call “home” and live the clichΓ©s of Thanksgiving dinners and grilling in the backyard.  I love my simple life of taking the “el” to work and checking out the neighborhoods on the weekend; but I must go.

I remember the day I decided to move here.  After that misleading job interview, I wondered all around the Loop knowing there was nothing I could do back in Michigan.  Staring at the spitting faces of Crown Fountain.  Grabbing a hot dog and fries at Max’s Take Out.  I gave myself one year to sink or swim and moved into my Spartan Ravenswood apartment a few days later.

Now, the moving truck has all our junk in it and we’re starting a new life in Rochester, New York.  Will it be better than Chicago?  Apples and oranges.  But, I will miss the activity of a world-class city.  The adventure, amusement, and/or oddities I could find around every street corner.  The food.  All of my friends going to dive bars, the bartering of Maxwell Street Market, all kinds of concerts at a wide variety of venues, apartment parties for any reason, and just sitting on the porch people watching.  It’s been good.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

When Your Mission In Life Has Been Fulfilled

You know the routine by now. Here's the ol' Wednesday BBQ crew: SME, Amanda, Karli, Brent, and the lovely Angela...


Megan and I headed up to Sawyer, Michigan to a friend's summer home for a cocktail party on Saturday. This is his place. It's for sale. If you are interested in the house, check out the website at:

Waiting for the cocktail party to start, Megan and I headed to St. Joseph's (St. Joe's), Michigan for some food and pick up some party supplies. Here's a view of the lake and "Whirlpool Appliance Field" from downtown.

Ahhhh, Michigan beaches...

Megan hiding from me and the sun...


OH MY GOD!!! IT'S KITT FROM KNIGHT RIDER!!! We found this in the parking lot of a restaurant and I spotted the trademark lights in the grill as soon as it came into view. For more info on my childhood hero, visit:

Here's where to go for a good burger between Chicago, Illinois and Muskegon, Michigan. Visit:

Megan loves burgers

"ARG.... Why the hell is that garbage truck so noisy this morning? Why won't it go away. Why is it getting louder? Why is it next to my apartment?" I look out the window to see they are re-roofing my apartment at 8am...

The photo doesn't do this justice. This load was precariously loaded onto the palette and was spinning like crazy. I was waiting for it to fall and kill a roofer or to be dropped through the roof crushing everything in my bedroom. Luckily, the earth survived...

Please check out our NEW (maga)'zine, NOW!!!

VIEW A NEW TOMORROW No. 26 (August 2008)


**NEW!!!** JOIN our (maga)zine group

VISIT A New Tomorrow's MySpace Profile Page

Thanks for your encouragement and support!

Mike Kraus

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Status of American Democracy: Part One

Just your friendly reminder to please check out our NEW (maga)'zine! We've added a new group page, which is linked below. So, please join!!!

VIEW A NEW TOMORROW No. 26 (August 2008)


**NEW!!!** JOIN our (maga)zine group

VISIT A New Tomorrow's MySpace Profile Page

Thanks for your encouragement and support!

Nick showing off his hula-hooping skills on the Wii Fit. This would be far better if I had a video of him. I guess there's tons of those kinds of videos with girls on YouTube. God Bless YouTube...

The first streetfair I'll feature is Puerto Rican Days in my neighborhood. A festival for the overworked and underpaid. It's a decent time with a carnaval, art fair, music, and great Puerto Rican food.

A shot of the art fair portion from a distance...

Angela tending to her new garden. There's spinach, carrots, tomatoes, and many other veggies for the BBQ

Karli, Andy (looking good), Rosie, Tennessee, and Mike Nummerdor at Wednesday BBQ

Noah, SME, and Nick at the BBQ

Gracie, Tennessee, Brent, and Katie at the BBQ

You crazy hipsters riding modern versions of the old fashion bikes with the bike wheel in front and little wheel in back...

Here's the second streetfair I'll feature this week. It's the Old Town/Wells Street Art Fair. It's for the overpaid and underworked of Chicago. Favorite quote of the day: "The economy is getting really bad. I mean, I can't take cabs everywhere I want anymore. But, now that I know that the train station is by my house I take that. You wouldn't believe how much cheaper it is to take the train than it is to buy gas and pay for parking and all." from Paris Hilton-esque qirl. (for those who live outside of Chicago, trains are $1.75, gas is $4.50, parking is generally $20+).

Cool shot. Not sure why they all have white shirts on. Must be a wealthy version of a gang.

This is the crowd listening to Flock of Seagulls. The stage was set up in a terrible location. It was in a small parking lot behind a bar. So, we couldn't even get back to see the band because there were so many people. But, I certainly heard the rock!!!

See if you can spot the happiest girl at the fair!

Strange bug I found at the Sedgewick Brown Line stop.

Once again, please check out our NEW (maga)'zine and join the NEW Group page, linked below!

VIEW A NEW TOMORROW No. 26 (August 2008)


**NEW!!!** JOIN our (maga)zine group

VISIT A New Tomorrow's MySpace Profile Page

Thanks for your encouragement and support!


Mike Kraus

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion

Just wanted to make sure my friends saw I posted another zine. To view it, go to the links at the bottom.

View A NEW TOMORROW No. 25 (February 2008)

View A NEW TOMORROW No. 26 (August 2008)

Visit A New Tomorrow's MySpace Profile Page

Thanks for your encouragement and support!

Mike Kraus

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What’s A Jacob Party Without a Jacob?

If you haven't checked out my NEW (maga)'zine already, please do so by visiting one of the links below!

Click To View A NEW TOMORROW No. 25 (February 2008)
Click Here To Subscribe To A New Tomorrow
Click Here To Visit A New Tomorrow's MySpace Profile Page

And now, for the rest of the show!

Here's the questions. Does the CTA think people are feeding toast to giant pigeons or tiny toast to normal pigeons?

Brent and Angela's party. Amanda, Karli, Angela, and Vienna Beef Girl. I forget what her name is, but she works for Vienna Beef. She can get 10lbs. of hot dogs for $10. Ask her!

Nate, Doug, and Nick in an important discussion.

Gracie is so laid back.

Tennessee love to bother Gracie.

Amanda telling Nate all about her new apartment

So, Lady was cleaning herself while we were watching TV. I took this picture and she didn't like it. She rolled over and then hid behind the arm of the chair. Then staired at me waiting to kill me in my sleep...

Cicimaca is a candy bar from Andy's Fruit Ranch. Then have tons of foreign candy. This is some kind of chocolate covered chocolate foam with raisins. I had Banako and that was not great. Banana flavored foam with chocolate coating...

France and Amanda and Amanda's AMAZING NEW APARTMENT, which is really close to my apartment. Proof that everyone I know is moving to Chicago.

I liked the pattern on the door. I may use it as a background or something...

There are apartments that are smaller than Amanda's kitchen. Here's Amanda and Noah praising the light. Frances doesn't know what's going on...



Mike Nummerdor pulling up a piece of hardwood floor.

Amanda and SME

Frances and Mike

Amanda, SME, and Frances

Quality girl time

Frances still doesn't know what's going on. SME is interested. Amanda is SHOCKED!

Tyler at another party. Nothing like rockin' the hood!


Nate is looking more like his Wii character all the time...

Noah should have been royalty in the 1500s.

Pretty SME. I have one where she's squishing her face and her tongue is hanging out. Out of my love of her, I will not post it... This time... Remember that and Megan can verify.

Me and SME

Nick and Amanda.

SME, Cliff, and Frances "hooking" on the corner.

Mike, Amanda, and Noah watching something good.

MICHIGAN BAR! Nate and Doug showing off our heritage of knotting pine, fish, and Bob Seger. I propose that Nate, Matt, and Tyler's apartment be known as the MICHIGAN BAR HOUSE from now on. Good job guys.

The dance floor

Sassy SME and unknowing Frances

SME and Frances once again. What are you drinking SME? Did you pull out some homemade Moonshine or something from the Michigan Bar?

Nick, Nate, Doug, and SME finding the benefits of having a dive bar in your own apartment.

Once again, another shameless plug for the 'zine. CHECK IT OUT NOW. Links below:

Click To View A NEW TOMORROW No. 25 (February 2008)

Click Here To Subscribe To A New Tomorrow

Click Here To Visit A New Tomorrow's MySpace Profile Page

Thanks for your encouragement and support!

Mike Kraus

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