Showing posts with label superman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superman. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2007

Chicago Is the Center of the Universe.

Hey Everyone, Summer arrived in March and decided to leave in early April. But, I guess it allowed spring to visit for the rest of the month. Man, is it awesome outside. Everything is green and sunny and awesome. I can't wait for all the events Chicago is going to have this summer. There's no better place to live in the summer than Chicago!

CHICAGO WINS! Well, at least we slaughtered LA is getting the right to bid for the 2016 Olympics in 2016. To me, this really is a moral victory. This was a win by a "real" city over a "fake" city. LA is fake to its core. No one is really from there. Hollywood is a industry of illusions. Celebrity is their main industry. It's not a city, but hundreds of square miles of suburban fantasy, sprawl, and automotive hell. On the other hand, we've got Chicago. There are true Chicagoans and transplants, like myself. We are an industrial, commercial, financial, and cultural powerhouse. Chicago is the greatest city in North America and one of the greatest in the world. YEAH!

Some political art in Wicker Park.

 One of the saddest events to happen in my life recently was discovering the Village Theater is closed. Where else can I see first run movies for $5. I can't do that in Muskegon. Now, I can't do that even in Chicago. Another sad event was visiting the Mike's Inn MySpace page. I remember actually wanting to go to that bar. Now, it looks like all the other douchebag bars. My heart is broken...

Symphony at the Chicago Cultural Center.  Exhibit of mentally disabled people at the Chicago Cultural Center. Ruby Bradford is my new favorite artist. I'm not kidding. This is awesome and says so much more about our society than most of the blowhards in the art community.
My favorite person in here is Judge Hatchett. Nice!  I forgot who did this, but this is really good too. Actually, this whole show was really great and I wish my batteries weren't almost dead on my camera. This work is about the terror after Hurricane Katrina outside the Superdome.

Here we are at Federal Plaza planting. There's also a group of anti-war tax protesters. About three of them. Can you find them? This was just a couple hours ago and another example of why Chicago is better than your city...

Love and miss you all. Mike

PS - Saw Grindhouse and it was pretty good. Robert Rodriguez is a far superior movie maker than Quentin Tarantino (And yes, I do know Rodriguez was the writer and director of the Spy Kids trilogy). Here's why, Rodriguez knows how to tell a story, be humorous, innovative, and allows the movie to be entertaining. Tarantino is self-absorbed, references and copies films without adding his own flare, and largely full of shit. I imagine when directing and watching his films, he probably is jerking off to how awesome he is the whole time. And that is why his half of Grindhouse was pretty boring and uninteresting.

PSS - Grindhouse may be re-released fairly soon as two separate movies because the 3+ is a bit difficult to take. Mostly because Deathproof is so disappointing with such a great premise...

Saturday, July 1, 2006

"Who Would Be the Superman/Clark Kent In Our Office?"

Let's see what the update of the week is. Seu Jorges was a good show. After seeing Superman Returns in IMAX 3-D, I'll never want to watch a movie any other way. The Taste of Chicago is going on. Work is good. All's really great actually.

PeaceCorp sent me an invitation to Kazakhstan this week and I have to decide whether or not to take it. Hmmmm

I present to you, the evidence:

This will be added to the "Mike Kraus in stupid glasses" collection.

U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!U.S.A!U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!


Millennium Park during the Seu Jorge's concert

I have no idea how many people were there. They just kept coming.

Look how tiny band's look at the Pritzker Pavilion.

It was kind of surprising that the seats were available, but the lawn wasn't...

Here's the Great Lawn


It's nice to live in a Sci-Fi movie.

I really wish I had a zoom lens. Although, I'm just happy I haven't ruined my camera by now.

The Pritzker Pavilion from the Lurie Garden.

East side of the Pritzker Pavilion.

West side of the Pritzker Pavilion.

View of the Michigan Avenue streetwall from the BP Bridge.

Downtown skyline from Navy Pier.

Skyline from Navy Pier again...

The ballroom at Navy Pier.

Inside the main entrance at Navy Pier waiting to get my Superman Returns IMAX 3-D tickets.

Jim showing the amazing effects produced by the 3-D glasses!

January, John, Katie, and Jim at Superman Returns IMAX 3-D!

The Taste of Chicago!

Another angry mob! There were crowds of people like this in all directions. Insane. But, what a great place to go to on your lunch break. I'll have to go again today.

Taste of Chicago

I thought a family photo would be nice. Since I didn't have a family, I borrowed this one. My little sister is such a Debbie Downer.

Taste of Chicago!

A comparison shot of our food. We are definately ready for our Chicagoan Heartattacks now.

Anytime you complain about how bad your job is, I want you to say, "Well, at least I'm not dressed like an ear in hot weather at the Taste of Chicago." It sounds strange, but it makes you feel better.


A view down Jackson Blvd at the Taste of Chicago. I work in the first building on the right corner of Jackson. Also, look at how many little heads there are in this shot. Tons!

That's it for now. I hope to see you all real soon!



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