Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Everyone Goes Coo-Coo Bananas When They Arrest My Neighbor

Our Governor (my neighbor) was arrested today. Apparently, they arrested him for being "a politician." Doesn't every politician use their political power of monetary gain? Anyway, read up on the man I saw shopping at Toys 'R Us:,rod-blagojevich-illinois-governor-custody-120908.article

Megan's work, American Instutute of Architects - Chicago, had their x-mas party at the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies a few nights ago. This is their new building. It's facade is designed to look all busted up or something in the front. Think Robocop futuristic.

Inside at the party

They had some kind of cool looking display. Unfortunately, this is as close as I got to it.


I love my neighbors (not Blagojevich this time) with their decorations. Halloween was pretty good too. I think they add something new everyday. Since I took this, they have added a life-sized Santa Claus and a music system.

Decorations at the fire station on Elston near Sacremento

Our Charlie Brown x-mas tree. It has a couple of gifts under it now. Thanks Katie!

This customized stocking was part of Megan's gift last year.

Which meant, this year I had to customize a matching stocking of my own...

Not too much going on here other than cold, snow, and lots of x-mas parties. I have five or six x-mas parties at work. The first is tomorrow and it should be good. Nick and Katherine's is on Saturday. There's probably a few others I'm forgetting about at the moment. Plus, I have to do my x-mas shopping still. Another reason why Thankgiving and Labor Day are the best holidays ever. Still trying to figure out the x-mas plans. I think I need to eat something.



Thursday, October 16, 2008

Birthday Wish!

"La la la la. We're going to meet Katie out in Palatine tonight. It will be good to see her. We haven't seen her since we saw her working at Disney World. La la la la... It would be great if she moved to Chicago. blah, blah, blah. It's weird that we have to meet her in the burbs, but I guess that's where her family got a hotel and all for her sister running in the marathon... blah blah la la, Hey, there's Medieval Times ha ha ha. Wait, are you turning into there? Are we meeting Katie at the strip mall next to Medieval Times? What? Is Katie at Medieval Times? WHAT? BIRTHDAY SURPRISE

If you've never been to Medieval Times, you need to go. Megan surprised me by bringing me to "Schaumburg Castle" for my b-day

It really is a great example of Medieval America...

The Prince and his Princess

"It's good to be the King."

I knew Jesus was "King of the Jews," but I had no idea he was "King of Schaumburg." This is the Jesus King presiding over the "Knighting Ceremony."

This six year old girl celebrating her b-day is now knighted and prepared to fight to defend the country...

Horse on display. These poor guys are in tiny stalls and tied to short ropes attached to the wall. I'm surprised no one goes all PETA on them.

Telling the Medieval masses how to have proper etiquette in the arena

This is exactly how I imagine Medieval Times with the plague, swords, chivalry, knights, and round tables...

Megan and I were on the side of the Kingdom of Navarra.

Megan and I look Spanish, right?

"Um, excuse me, we don't have silverware."
"Silverware? What's silverware? There's no such thing as silverware in Medieval Times. Now, do you want Pepsi or Mountain Dew?"

Megan suggests getting the vegetarian meal at Medieval Times. It's really good and does come with plastic silverware

Apparently, a unicorn exploded...

The host introducing the nights after we have been given the prelude to the drama!

The Knight of Navarre. He was flirting with the drunk girls ahead of us by throwing flowers to them and all. Also, the group on the corner in the front row seemed to be having their wedding reception there. The bride and groom were in their dress and tux.

Now for my restaurant review. My half-chicken, with spare rib, garlic bread, rosemary potato, tomato basil soup, and "pastry of the castle" was really good. What made it "awesome" was eating it with my hands and using the heated wet-nap afterwards. I want to eat like this everyday. I was born in the wrong era...

Who knew that Emo Hipster kids and Medieval Times were a match made in heaven?

Out knight is about to get his "you know what" kicked -John McCain

JOUSTING!!! This was the end and Megan and I ended the evening at Goldie's with a few friends. Good times! Good Medieval Times...

Megan and I went to Tre Kronor for my b-day dinner. This is my Kychlingfile dinner, which is a "chicken breast a la Malmo-baked with Swedish mustard, jarlsberg, Canadian bacon and fresh dill." I took forever to eat this because it was so good I wanted to savor it.

Megan go the "Norsk Lax," which is a Norwegian salmon broiled with chive beurre blanc. She really liked it.

Saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall recently. It's a really good, funny movie about dating. So real it's funny!

Monday, November 27, 2006


The X-mas season official kicked off with all the insane folks killing each other getting $7 toasters and $5 DVDs at Best Buy and Wal-Mart. That Jesus and his consumerism...

Zoo Lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Real # 56,654,591 Chicago is the best place in America

Inside the LPZ

At the Seal Tank. We think they are choir boys since they had loud music behind them.

The LPZ giftshop in the background.

Main walkway of LPZ

Again, main walkway of LPZ

This guy was pretty popular with kids and adults alike. Not sure why...

Penguins jumping from an igloo.

Walking down the African animals exhibits

A gingerbread man and his wife that he keeps in the kitchen...

A gator!

Oh, the fond memories. Do you Skee-town folk remember this fella? He's the centerpiece from the ol' Muskegon Mall. He use to sit on that stage-ish thing near Steketee's while Santa was on top of the water fountain.

Santa placing gifts under the tree in drag.

We've got crabs!

Nothing says "X-Mas" like a homeless guy with bloody fingers, smoking, and eatting a Chicago dog...

What the hell is goin' on here?

A Lion. He's so bad at football that he's currently tied with the Arizona Cardinals for the worst team. So, when are we going to fire Matt Millen?

Fairy tale x-mas lights.

Jack and the Bean Stalk.

Santa Claus in the Monkey House. I wish they would have put this in one of the exhibits...
That's it from Chicago. I think I'm recovered from my great stay in Muskegon over T-Day. I'll have to work on my plans for x-mas now. I have about four weeks of personal time and vacation to use. So... xoxo, Mike

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