Showing posts with label flag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flag. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Wizard of Valparaiso...


If you are interested in writing articles for my 'zine, please check this out:

Megan is really excited about her new job at AIA...

If there's one thing I like...'s people gittin' together!


Yankee Doodle Dandy, Gem, and a bearded Geisha at Katie's Halloween Party!

It's a tasty ghost

Powder and a pony named "horse."

Some nice guy

It's Gem.

Powder is a drinker of Mike's Hard Lemonade? Now that is product placement.

Nice wig!

Clockwork Orange!

The American Flag and Gem!

A girl and Capt'n Picard.

Symbols of America: Jackie O., the American Flag, and Yankee Doodle Dandy

Ryan as Heidi Klum. The construction workers seem to be enjoying!

Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum

Betsy Ross would be proud.

John hittin' on dancing girls.

It's Hansel.

I like that Dr. Evil drives a Mercury Topaz Stationwagon. I really do!

You know you are in Indiana when you see Bob Knight Barbie Dolls and bear gloves in the window.

At the bed and breakfast we stayed at even getting towed was a kindly done.



The Old Timey Jail Museum in downtown Valparaiso.

Oh yeah! Welcome to Chesterton, Indiana!

The handprints from the Munchkins!

I don't remember who these guys are...

Megan with Dorothy and Toto.

Me and the Scarecrow. What? He's not the Scarecrow from Batman returns? What a rip-off...

The Cowardly Lion.

The Tin Man

Look at this guy. A death certificate for the Wicked Witch of the East.

Glinda! At least most of her...

The worst looking tree ever...

The witch!

Another Tin Man!

The Wicked Witch in a van... Classic!

Oh Yellow Brick Road Museum and Gift Shop. You made my weekend in Indiana so very interesting...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

It Doesn't Get Better Than This...

I'm riding pretty high these days. It's official: I got my third promotion within a year at the Chicago Architecture Foundation. It's really a superficial promotion, but what can I say? Nothing really changes except a 10% increase in pay and now I am a "Tour and Volunteer Associate." There's a couple more responsibilities, which I wanted more than the pay in title. But, I still came out ahead. All's well with the ladyfriend. We'll see what happens tomorrow when she comes back. I've been seeing tons of my friends, who you will see below. Amanda Talmadge is coming to town since she is now moving to Chicago. It just keeps getting better and better. Further to fall, I guess...

RECYCLE THE FLAG! Not in Dick Cheney's America! You throw that away and get a new one!

Flag disposal. That's more like it...

Here is some vandalism I enjoy.

Man, this must have ruined someone's day...

France's at the Rail Bar on one of her last days in Chicago.

She loves Chicago!

Dustin Malmquist admiring the band at the California Clipper

Noah and Frances at the California Clipper.

Mike, Cliff, and Dustin.

Warming up...

Almost there....


Famous Frances hand pictures.

Hey Kate ____. Haven't seen you in about three or so years.

Noah, Frances, SME at California Clipper.

You are getting sleepy. Very sleepy...

That didn't take much. What a grumpy sleeper...

Kate ____ and myself

Yeah! It's Noah!

Man! It's Noah on something good...

Audrey at the Clipper.

Frances, Noah, and myself. Graduate school so we can be roommates again...

Much love and hope to see you all soon.


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