
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Danube Reflection - Bratislava, Slovakia

WELCOME TO BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA! The capital of Slovakia on the Danube River.

Slovenská filharmónia (Slovakia Philharmonic) Building. The European Union (EU) just wrapped up a summit here right before we arrived. That's why there's all the barriers.

Slovenské národné divadlo (Slovak National Theatre) - Constructed in 1885-86 for the opera and ballet.

Morový stĺp (Holy Trinity Column) - You guessed it, the Plague came here too and a lot of people died. So, this is a "thank you" from those that survived.

Pavol Hviezdoslavovo overlooking Hviezdoslavovo námestie (Square) - He was a poet and a member of the Czechoslovakian Parliament.

Katedrála svätého Martina (St. Martin's Cathedral) - This was the coronation church for Hungary from the 1500s-1800s.

View down Panská Street

Lekáreň u Salvátora (Pharmacy Salvator) - Constructed in 1904 and a great example of Neo-Renaissance architecture.

View of Michalska brana (Michael's Gate) looking down Michalska Street. Built sometime around 1300 and it's the last surviving gate from that fortification.

Romantic little street leading up to the castle

Hlavné námestie (Main Square) looking toward Old Town Hall

Inside the courtyard of Stará radnica (Old Town Hall)

Marianne with the Pig Knighty of Bratislava

View overlooking the Danube from the Castle. To the left, you'll see the Nový most (New Bridge) that appears to have a UFO on it. Appropriately enough, it house's a restaurant called UFO.

View of the Danube River from Bratislava Castle's fortification wall.

Megan and I

Dick, Megan, and I

Old Town Bratislava from Bratislava Castle

"Oh, Bratislava is so beautiful!"

Wandering the lanes of Bratislava

Large section of the old city walls that was built in the 1200s

Glass flower sculpture in pediment of building on Gorkého street.

The most famous man in Bratislava: Cumil the Sewer Worker.

Megan finally found a bagel to fulfill her hunger at Bagel and Coffee Story

Kostol trinitárov (Trinity Church) - We peeked in just long enough to take this shot. The original church on this site was destroy in the Ottoman War in 1529. This church was it's replacement starting in 1717-27. Everything above the round windows is flat and painted (trompe-l'œil fresco)

Disko cookies and Erdinger Dunkel Beer for people watching in the main square. When we travel, Megan and I like to get some snacks and hang out in a public gathering place. It's pretty entertaining and we meet some interesting people.

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