
Friday, July 22, 2005

Sooo,,,, Yeah.... Well... I Think I've Embarrassed Myself Enough For One Day...

Went out with the boys last night and had a good time. I had my hot pants on and that is always a good time...

Went to Camp Pendalouon with the kids today...

Here they are getting off the bus.

In the wigwam...

Haha!!! They are all asleep.

About 10 minutes before school got out, I had to break up a pretty big fight. These kids were punching the hell out of each other's faces. It was bad and I had to grab them by the scruff of their necks and hold them apart. They wanted to tear into each other like crazy. Wild dogs at times...

It's funny thinking about how you get places. A few months ago, I would have never believed I would be where I am now. Gotta make lemonade out of lemons, man... I'm having a great time with my friends and going out, but the rest is a mess. Patience and persistence. At some point, I will get my act together. I hope it is sooner than later...

Tonight, I have a b-day party. It should be a good time. Rumor has it there will be a pony and a clown. So damn excited. I have to make sure my batteries are fully charged for this...

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