
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Just When I Thought I Was Doing Great...

Alice has left the Skee-town. We'll miss that girl and have to find some time to go visit her in Chicago. She overfed me last night, which led me to make plans to visit her parent's house way more often for good eats. Alice's mom is a good cook and likes feeding people. I am people and I like being fed Asian dishes... Sorry Alice, you'll have to visit me often at your parent's house if you want to see me...

Saw some people I haven't seen in a while. It's good catching up and it's nice hanging out with them again. Good times, indeed.

Pretty foggy this morning. Sometimes it is difficult going to school because the turn to demons. The fog only adds to the scary film effect.

I'm not going to write anymore... I just don't feel up to it right now...

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