
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Mt. McKinley is Covered in "Poo."

Got up for my dentist appointment today. Too bad it isn't until tomorrow.

Spent much of the afternoon working on music management stuff. I have to design a logo and letterhead for my new business. I have some good designs. I also have some bad designs. Something should work though and it will make us filthy rich...

I also worked on my 'zine. Man, I usually have a hard time coming up with material and feel like I've only got petty things to deal with. So far, I only have a couple of articles and I'm reaching deep into the abyss for this one. I guess that is what happen when you've had a Spring like mine. Thank god that Summer is here and way more fun.

Spent the evening over at Andrea and Matt's place. That is their rat above. Just sat on the porch drinking and talking about shit. Good times with the chimnea (sp?). The Tigers lost to the White Sox in extra innings. Damn shame...

If I have any inspiration at all about getting a job, about 99% of it is related to the fact I am living at home and slowly being driven crazy. Let's see, over the past few days I have had arguments about relish, drawers, a pizza box, a clean shirt being placed on a table, resting my legs on a chair, chicken, lawns, municipal government, and I'm sure a few other things. Most of the time it involves a lot of passive aggressive behavior. When is my sister going to move into my grandpa's old house? When hell freezes over is my guess. If she doesn't soon, I will and she can't live with me because she is too insane about silly shit.

Now that I have that off my chest, what to do tomorrow. Start off again with a dentist appointment (for real this time). Summer Celebration starts tomorrow. I might stop by for some of that nonsense. I don't think I'll see Los Lonely Boys or whoever they are. I'll save my energy for Boyz II Men. That's about it. Keep your eyes peeled Muskegon for a bearded man on an old fashioned blue Schwinn bike because I will be passing by like lightning. My legs are so toned and strong right now that I could kill a man like Catwoman. Now that's a sexy way to die...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I was suppose to title this something. I forgot what, but it was good... very good...

I don't understand this logo for the Silversides. Why is he wearing a German hat during WWII? What are those hoops shooting out of his mouth? Why is there a flag for the Riddler and Iraq? Is that a sex toy in his fin?

This is the first meeting of the bike gang. Aren't you all jealous? I need to set a date where a group of us can get together and raise hell. In the words of Mr. Gomez, "I didn't know what you were talking about with a bike gang, but I think I understand now and it rocks..." At least that is how I remember the quote... He may correct me in the comments box.

I think our first mission as a hell raising bike gang should be to steal this submarine. It needs a propeller to move. I think if we get a little spray paint and moxy, we can get away with it. Imagine a spray painted red submarine. They would never recognize it and we could easily get away...

Monday Night Club was as good as always. Nearing the end of the evening we turned Mike's Inn into a dance club. It made a lot of people nervous, but excited?!?!?!

That lead to a 3 am swim at Lake Harbor Park. What happens at Lake Harbor Park stays at Lake Harbor Park...

Ate and drank at the super air conditioned Vous until 6am.

Woke up too damn early this morning because I can't sleep in this heat. I will need to take a nap this afternoon if I'm going to do anything tonight. I guess we are organizing a group of people to go to the drive-in tonight. Other than that, I don't know...

"Juice Bag Sounds a Little Too Much Like Douche Bag."

Well, the comic book is dead. I've been having a lot of trouble with it and I realized why when I talked to Amanda about it a few nights back. The problem is I don't make comics. I make 'zines. So, I'm going to work on doing what I know again. It has similarities, but it's a different way of thinking.

Went to the drive-in with Hil and Dana. Rachel met us there. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Fairly decent movie. Pretty humorous with some good action sequences. A bit of eye candy too.

Tomorrow, I have another dentist appointment. This time to clean my teeth. I thought I was going to have that done last week, but no... Other than that, no plans. Ever since the basketball playoffs ended, it's difficult to come up with reasons to hang out. So, we need to figure something out. I don't care to sit at home any more than I have to...

Sunday, June 26, 2005

As If I Needed Another Reason...

Let's see. What have I been up to?

A couple of days ago I went miniature golfing with Andrea and Lori at the Bat N Club. It was fun. None of us can mini golf though. That lead to Mango's where I had a good Cuban Wrap. A few hours later we were at Andrea's house.

It just proves it isn't a party until a man nipple shows up. This also shows why my blog has become the most feared in Muskegon. It has come to my attention that people are now coming to my site to gather dirt on other people. I don't know who you private investigators are, but I would like to. I have way more incriminating photos at home...

Had to pick up my bike at Mike's Inn since I left it there after the basketball game. Ben picked me up because he was going to Walker Arena for the flea market thing. Man, I love riding my bike.

I want to buy the red brick building...

Here's a pic from the deck of Captain Jack's for all of you people who don't know about where I live and should visit me. I got a bit sunburned eatting food and drinking on the deck.

Frances had her going away party last night. We all ended up dancing in the rain...

Today, I'm going to hang out at the beach with Caleb and Cindy, I guess. It should be good since I haven't seen them in forever. I really just want to go to the beach and cool off a bit. Jesus, I can't stand 90+ degree heat. I'm from Michigan and of northern German barbarian blood. My beard is way too hot. And I can't shave until Cinco de Moustache in about two weeks. My biggest problem right now is my family driving me nuts. As if I didn't need another reason to move out, they are playing show tunes right now. Suicide or homicide???

"There's a Speed Limit On This Street, Young Man!"

Let me start off with the title of this blog. This was a statement made toward me just moments ago. I was riding my bike down Frisbee Street and a man yelled "There's a Speed Limit On This Street, Young Man!"

"What!?! Are you kidding!?! I'm on a bike." I replied. Not just any bike, but a Schwinn cruising bike that may have a top speed of 15 mph. What the hell?


Spent much of the morning and afternoon working on Nick's music. Thing seem to be going well on that front. He's making some good music and things seem to be coming together well. The timing of all this just seems to be perfect.

Damanda threw a kick as cookout this afternoon. BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, home grown vegetables, and Better Than Robert Redford for desert, which coincidentally is my nickname... Anyway...

Went to Amanda's afterwards to pick up my bike. It's funny how a two minute stop always turns into a 4 hour extravaganza. I really enjoy it. hmmm.... We then drove around downtown as I showed her some of the real estate I was looking at. I think she thinks I'm crazy. Well, I am...

Went back to Damanda's to eat some more Better Than Robert Redford and watch TV. The Andy Milinikilumuckapusadingdang (Sp?) Show on MTV was pretty interesting. Basically, they give a 12 year old kid a video camera and a budget and he fucks around with old people and MTV celebrities. Damn the genius of this kid. I was picking my ass at his age... In fact, I'm stick doing that... Damn that kid...

Tomorrow is Monday Night Club. I'm also planning to go to Meijer to buy a battery charger for my camera and TruValue for new sunglasses. I might have to buy a headband too as a way to emphasize my Richie Tannenbaum-ness. Or would it be my Rasheed Wallace-ness? Perhaps I will have a survey in my next blog...

Friday, June 24, 2005

"Bobby, Don't F*^# With a Girl and Her Toast"

Damn you Myspace. I have all these visitors to my blog now and feel guilty when I don't post. I feel like I let people down...

Didn't really do much yesterday anyway. Just went down to Mike's Inn and watched the Piston's lose game 7. Too damn bad.

Dancing did commence.

Here's Eleanor's senior photo. She's growing up...

Followed up Mike's with the Vous. Drank a little coffee and probably had one of the least serious, but fun conversations I've had in a long time.

Dancing and breathing...

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Started out the day with a lovely trip to Valueland. I had to pick up some clothes for work. I haven't bought clothes for myself in 2 1/2 to 3 years. Really, I haven't bought anything for myself in that time. Anyway, I got three nice shirts that are dressy, but casual. Nothing but polo shirts though. I like the red striped one...

On my way home, I saw this sign. This is Jacob's boss' house. He had his ceramic dutch boy stolen...

He'll only see it in photographs sent to him in the mail where it has been traveling all over the world...

Mr. Gomez and I spend the evening bar hopping. Went to Captain Jacks, Lakeshore, then the Blue Note. Saw some awesome people and had a good time.

That was followed up by a small pool party at someone's house. Lemon shots and pretty girls. I can live with that...

Tomorrow is the last Piston's game. They are tied 3 - 3 with winner take all. Can the Piston's win two in a row in San Antonio or are the defending champions going home in defeat? Oh the drama. This is where the magic happens. So, I will be at Mike's awaiting glory...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"If I Tell You It Better Not End Up On the Internet."

The dentist has turned into a futuristic wonderland. I haven't been to the dentist in three years and now there are computers everywhere. I went in for a teeth cleaning and didn't end up getting one. Although, I don't have any cavities. So, I had to schedule another appointment to clean my teeth and now have to think about removing my wisdom teeth as well. I will get a tooth whitening kit for free. They had to make impressions of my teeth and I almost puked on myself. This nasty pink strawberry flavored goo went down my throat and I gagged. I had to pull it out or I would have been a horrible site biking down McCracken.

I worked on Damanda's patio again today. The picture below shows the area we dug out.

We have the area all cleaned out and mostly level now. The next step is boxing it off and pouring the cement. There will be a pond and garden as well. It will look nice and I now have lifelong priviledges to it.

Damanda, Andrea, and I had dinner at BW3. They are good company and I hope that Andrea, Laurie, and I get to hang out on Friday. It should be a good time.

Piston's basketball game tonight and that means Mike's Inn. Oh, what? You didn't get the memo. Meeting tonight at Mike's Inn. Where the hell was everyone? The Piston's won and forced a game 7. It was exciting and there was very few of us hardcore folks celebrating. Look how quiet and lonely it looks... You bitches better be there Thursday for the back-to-back victory celebration followed by unnecessary, but very fun, celebratory riot.

Jacob and I went to Racquet's where it was just as lively. Had a bit of a heart-to-heart. Nothing is better than true friendship.

Rode my bike home and appreciated how nice it is to be home. How beautiful it is. How wonderful the people are. How relaxed the atmosphere is. And the possibilities I have for the future...

I have absolutely no plans for tomorrow. I need to keep the party going until July when I have to work. So, if you know of something going on we need to rock out.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"You'll Lose a Good Thing And That's One Thing I Know For Sure."

Where to begin... Damanda's (Cheswick's) mom is expanding the patio and requested my assistance. So, I did a lot of digging yesterday so we could put the concrete in later. We filled up a trailer and a half with topsoil and we're still not finished. For my services, I received as much Coors Light I could drink, a Brat dinner, $40, and a tab at DJ's. Not too shabby...

The rest of the night was DJ's playing pool and talking. That later moved to Mike's Inn. There was some dancing involved.

I wish I had some pictures from digging and DJ's, but oh well. So, it goes. These are nice though.

Well, I woke up way too early today for my job orientation. Here is a copy of my notes for the two hour session:

"Hours of work: 8:45 - 2:45"

It seems like it's going to be a good job. Transportation may be an issue since my ride (mom) ditched me for some reason and my replacement (dad) would have had to drop me off two hours early. He left me a note last night saying "Be ready by 7:10 AM," to which I replied, "Like Hell." So, I rode my bike as always. Hopefully, the school I will be working at isn't too far away from where I live. I guess I might be placed in at Steele Middle School...

I might just have to get a car no matter how little sense it makes to do so. It's a job, transit, and social issue. I hate being a mooch and saying you don't have a car to people in Michigan is the equivalent to saying "I like to give girls herpes." Buying a $5000 car plus paying $800 every six months for insurance, gas, title, plates, etc. for a $8 an hour temporary job just isn't reasonable. Plus, I might need a van or something for the tour in August. Then there is the fact that I hate owning cars because they are shitty and need as much, if not more, attention than a newborn. Cars...

I have to go to the dentist at 2:00. God, I have to go in as a new patient because I haven't been to the dentist in three years. Jesus how time flies. So, I have to do x-rays, consultation, check-up, cleaning, and I'm sure a lot of other bullshit. That should include talk about removing my wisdom teeth. Well, not this summer again asshole.

Tonight is the Piston's game and I'll be down at Mike's Inn probably. I say "probably" because I have been fairly inaccurate in saying that in the recent past. They are down 3 - 2 and will be playing in San Antonio. Piston's thrive on playing under pressure. We'll see. They only bring their "A" game when they are about to be eliminated...