
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"You'll Lose a Good Thing And That's One Thing I Know For Sure."

Where to begin... Damanda's (Cheswick's) mom is expanding the patio and requested my assistance. So, I did a lot of digging yesterday so we could put the concrete in later. We filled up a trailer and a half with topsoil and we're still not finished. For my services, I received as much Coors Light I could drink, a Brat dinner, $40, and a tab at DJ's. Not too shabby...

The rest of the night was DJ's playing pool and talking. That later moved to Mike's Inn. There was some dancing involved.

I wish I had some pictures from digging and DJ's, but oh well. So, it goes. These are nice though.

Well, I woke up way too early today for my job orientation. Here is a copy of my notes for the two hour session:

"Hours of work: 8:45 - 2:45"

It seems like it's going to be a good job. Transportation may be an issue since my ride (mom) ditched me for some reason and my replacement (dad) would have had to drop me off two hours early. He left me a note last night saying "Be ready by 7:10 AM," to which I replied, "Like Hell." So, I rode my bike as always. Hopefully, the school I will be working at isn't too far away from where I live. I guess I might be placed in at Steele Middle School...

I might just have to get a car no matter how little sense it makes to do so. It's a job, transit, and social issue. I hate being a mooch and saying you don't have a car to people in Michigan is the equivalent to saying "I like to give girls herpes." Buying a $5000 car plus paying $800 every six months for insurance, gas, title, plates, etc. for a $8 an hour temporary job just isn't reasonable. Plus, I might need a van or something for the tour in August. Then there is the fact that I hate owning cars because they are shitty and need as much, if not more, attention than a newborn. Cars...

I have to go to the dentist at 2:00. God, I have to go in as a new patient because I haven't been to the dentist in three years. Jesus how time flies. So, I have to do x-rays, consultation, check-up, cleaning, and I'm sure a lot of other bullshit. That should include talk about removing my wisdom teeth. Well, not this summer again asshole.

Tonight is the Piston's game and I'll be down at Mike's Inn probably. I say "probably" because I have been fairly inaccurate in saying that in the recent past. They are down 3 - 2 and will be playing in San Antonio. Piston's thrive on playing under pressure. We'll see. They only bring their "A" game when they are about to be eliminated...

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