
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"Juice Bag Sounds a Little Too Much Like Douche Bag."

Well, the comic book is dead. I've been having a lot of trouble with it and I realized why when I talked to Amanda about it a few nights back. The problem is I don't make comics. I make 'zines. So, I'm going to work on doing what I know again. It has similarities, but it's a different way of thinking.

Went to the drive-in with Hil and Dana. Rachel met us there. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Fairly decent movie. Pretty humorous with some good action sequences. A bit of eye candy too.

Tomorrow, I have another dentist appointment. This time to clean my teeth. I thought I was going to have that done last week, but no... Other than that, no plans. Ever since the basketball playoffs ended, it's difficult to come up with reasons to hang out. So, we need to figure something out. I don't care to sit at home any more than I have to...

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