Friday, March 21, 2025

🦉 Can I see things from their point of view? 🦉

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🦉 Can I See Things From Their Point of View 🦉
acrylic paint on canvas board
8" x 10" (20.3 cm x 25.4 cm)
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your nest, please visit:

The clouds hide the setting sun, diffusing the light on the fresh snow.  On a branch of the old, leafless maple tree sits an owl.  Watching and waiting.  Listening to every sound.  A gentle "hoo, hoo" floats through the air telling me they are there.

Can I verbalize what I'm hearing?  Do I understand why they feel that way?  What do I believe about them?  I want to know more.

This piece would look best in a small-to-medium space that is red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue, purple, black, white, or wood.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Monday, March 17, 2025

🌞 How can we disarm a Narcissist? 🌞

 Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🌊 Seneca Lake 🌊
Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

A cool breeze comes off Seneca Lake as we walk the grounds of a winery. Feels good after a long drive and many stops at roadside stands, Amish farms, and a delicious lunch in Geneva, NY. Just relaxing with a glass of wine and looking at the panoramic view of the lake. There's a sweet scent through the vineyard as we saunter aimlessly. A good place to think about what would pair best with our meal later in Watkins Glen.

This piece would look best in a space that is red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue, purple, black, white, beige, or wood

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Friday, March 14, 2025

🌞 Are cruel people happy? 🌞

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty 

💜 Sunflowers and Lavender in Provence 💜
acrylic paint on canvas board
8" x 10" (20.3 cm x 25.4 cm)
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit:

Our bikes race up and down the gentle hills of Provence. Everything has a distinct texture, the colors are vibrant, and the perfume in the air is intoxicating. And every twisting road we turn down has countless rows of purple and blue lavender. The heat of the Mediterranean sun presses against our backs as we pedal back to the village of Sault. I'll never forget the fields of France.

Do you feel your life is unbalanced? Why? And what impact will it have on you next year?

This painting would look best in a medium space that is red, orange, green, blue, white, black, grey, beige, or wood.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

🥚 CM Foods presented the Spring 2025 Collection by Hen Princess Lay-a in Larue, Ohio 🥚

 Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🥚 CMF Copper Egg #573 🥚
pen, graphite, and acrylic paint on Bristol paper
2.5" x 3.5" (6.35 cm x 8.89 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your collection, please visit:

Artistic Hen Princess Lay-a was inspired by the iconic egg when incubating the CMF Copper Egg. Designed to evoke a feeling of gaudiness in a golden age, it debuted on the Spring 2025 shelves and showcased the House's eggshell white. Signature details include an CMF yellow yolk, which embellishes a stunning egg white that is silky smooth. Use the shell to compost an organic garden or place in coffee grounds to reduce acidity.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Monday, March 10, 2025

🌞 Can you predict things that happen when you break faith with friends and allies? 🌞

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🌞 Seneca Lake 🌞
Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

A cool breeze comes off Seneca Lake as we walk the grounds of a winery. Feels good after a long drive and many stops at roadside stands, Amish farms, and a delicious lunch in Geneva, NY. Just relaxing with a glass of wine and looking at the panoramic view of the lake. There's a sweet scent through the vineyard as we saunter aimlessly. A good place to think about what would pair best with our meal later in Watkins Glen.

This piece would look best in a space that is red, orange, yellow, dark/light green, blue, purple, black, white, beige, or wood

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Friday, March 7, 2025

🏦 How do we know when to choose a different road? 🏦

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🏦 Chicago Alley 🏦
Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

The "L" train rattles and squeals after a long day at work. Chauffeured home while reading a book and looking at the road rage of traffic below. The backs of building pass by with their tangle of power lines and wonky patios. This city has two side: a facade to show the world and a place where the real work gets done. The alleys are somehow beautifully utilitarian.

What do you notice about your neighborhood? Is it full of natural beauty or manmade? Are there trees or have they all been removed? Can you get places by walking and/or biking or are you forced to drive everywhere? Where we live is who we are.

This painting would look best in a space that is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, beige, grey, or wood

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

🦋 What are the dreams of our childhood? 🦋


🦋 Blue Butterflies 🦋
Noelle Fran
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

Night comes slowly and I slip into sleep.  My mind disconnects from my body and floats into the ether.  Dreams are linking random memories to try to understand the world.  The time I was a kid watching the butterflies flutter away.  What troubles am I trying to release?

About Noelle Fran:
Creating allows my imagination to express itself.  And is also very soothing. I have always liked to create.  First to transform everyday life and my environment.  Then to share my creations with others

Connect With Noelle Fran at:

Saturday, March 1, 2025

⚡ The Future Is Electric ⚡

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

⚡ The Future Is Electric #572 ⚡
pen, ink, and colored pencil on Bristol paper
2.5" x 3.5" (6.35 cm x 8.89 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.

⚡ It’s time to power your world and explore unlimited possibilities. 

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

👂 I can't believe what I'm hearing? 👂


💜 Bohemian earrings 💜
Noelle Fran
To purchase for your ears, please visit:

There's so much noise.  Too much noise.  So, I unsubscribe and turn it off.  I reject all cruelty so I can make room for beauty.  That is how I want to be.

About Noelle Fran:
Creating allows my imagination to express itself.  And is also very soothing. I have always liked to create.  First to transform everyday life and my environment.  Then to share my creations with others

Connect With Noelle Fran at:

Monday, February 24, 2025

🖤 Does having empathy take strength? 🖤

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🖤 Sunset Sherbert Birch Forest 🖤
Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

I count my breaths as I enter the woods. It calms my thoughts and helps me to relax. The chaos and cravings of the world evaporate with every step. If you're fortunate enough to find the mysterious pass, then you enter into paradise. This is the magic of the forest.

This piece would look best in a space that is dark red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white, black, grey, beige, or wood.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Friday, February 21, 2025

❄⛄ Will I hold the line for the truth? ⛄❄

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

❄⛄ Winter Woods ⛄❄
acrylic paint on canvas board
16" x 20" (40.6 cm x 50.8 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit:

It's a chilly late afternoon in the forest.  The snow glows on the creaking branches of the trees.  All I hear is the crunching of my boots down the icy path.  This is the season of hibernation.  A time of reflection and calm.

This painting would look best in a space that is red, yellow, orange, purple, green, brown, beige, grey, white, black, or wood.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Monday, February 17, 2025

🎓 Eckhart Hall at the University of Chicago 🎓

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🎓 Eckhart Hall at the University of Chicago 🎓
Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

And just like that, her son is a UChicago ( college graduate. Goodbye UChicago and hello Cornell (! She raised him right and shares in his early successes. And she wanted a piece to commemorate this impressive milestone. What an exciting time for this young man.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Friday, February 14, 2025

💙 Will you be my Valentine? 💙

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

🌳 Sunset Sherbert Birch Tree 🌳
acrylic paint on canvas board
8" x 10" (20.3 cm x 25.4 cm)
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit:

I count my breaths as I enter the woods.  It calms my thoughts and helps me to relax.  The chaos and cravings of the world evaporate with every step.  If you're fortunate enough to find the mysterious pass, then you enter into paradise.  This is the magic of the forest.

This painting would look best in a small-to-medium space that is red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue, purple, black, white, gray, beige. or wood

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Monday, February 10, 2025

💜 Who Do We Love? 💜

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

💜 Lavender Farm 💜
Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit: 

Our bikes race up and down the gentle hills of Provence. Everything has a distinct texture, the colors are vibrant, and the perfume in the air is intoxicating. And every twisting road we turn down has countless rows of purple and blue lavender. The heat of the Mediterranean sun presses against our backs as we pedal back to the village of Sault. I'll never forget the fields of France.

Do you feel your life is unbalanced? Why? And what impact will it have on you next year?

This piece would look best in a small space that is red, yellow, orange, green, dark/light blue, white, black, grey, beige, or wood.

My Story
I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands. And then, I became an “adult…” The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.” For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle. I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes. I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework. Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility. The rest of my time I spent painting. After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist. I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio. Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world. And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Friday, February 7, 2025

💗💙 Who do I love? 💙💗

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty 

💗💙 Twilight Woods 💙💗
acrylic paint on canvas board
8" x 10" (20.3 cm x 25.4 cm)
© copyright Mike Kraus Art Inc.
To purchase for your home, please visit:

I follow the winding path not knowing where I'll end up.  The trees rustle in the breeze stirring up the aromas of the forest.  A freshness one always has to remind themselves of in civilization.  The light refracts in strange ways at this time.  It's when the surreal becomes the real.

This piece would look best in a small-to-medium space that is dark red, orange, yellow, green, dark navy blue, purple, black, white, grey, beige, or wood.

My Story

I’m Mike, the Artist of Mike Kraus Art Inc.

I’ve been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon.  I’d fill countless sketchbooks with drawings, cover school assignments with doodles, and publish magazines and print flyers for my friend’s bands.  And then, I became an “adult…”  The demands of food and rent seemed to require a “serious job.”  For years, I languished in a cubicle performing meaningless tasks for a meager salary.

But, art was always my side hustle.  I started selling my artwork in junior high between classes.  I’d create original pieces during lectures and commissions instead of homework.  Oddly enough, being a poor student is what got me into the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago.  Inspired by my past history, I quit my career and took another part-time job as a cashier of a big-box store because it had the least amount of responsibility.  The rest of my time I spent painting.  After several months, I had to quit this low-wage job too because it was getting in the way of my art.

I decided to be a full-time professional artist.  I needed the time to paint, collaborate with my patrons and galleries, and maintain my studio.  Since then, I’ve sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries.  I’m very fortunate to have a career dedicated to adding more beauty to the world.  And I hope to share that experience with you.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

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