
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I Love the Smell of Chlorine in the Morning

Last weekend, Megan and I were lucky enough to see Rachel in a swim meet at Penfield High School as a part of the Sea Dragons (

Mmmm...  Swimming is a difficult sport to capture with still photography... 

But, look at Rachel go! 

She's a way better swimmer than I am.  I would have been doing the doggy paddle... 

And, here's the future Olympian showing off all her prizes.  GREAT JOB RACHEL!

And, here's Scout torturing us.  Specifically, trying to use Megan's hair as a pillow...

A good place to hide from the cold.

And passing out after three hours of losing her mind...

And, other dogs are now mailing Scout treats.  Apparently really good treats that are able to hold her complete attention for the entire night.  Thanks Vern!

Finally, went to Wilson Commencement Park's ( gala on Saturday.  Unfortunately, wasn't able to take any pics.  It was a good time with great people.

That's about it for now.  Just waiting for Meg to get back from Chicago and playing with the dog.

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