
Thursday, August 8, 2013

2013 PGA Championship Is In Town

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Megan and I were fortunate enough to head over to Oak Hill Country Club to watch a practice round before the 2013 PGA Championship.  Here's Steve Stricker teaching a few other guys how to putt.

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Here's Ernie Els.  My favorite part of this photo is the homeowner in the purple shirt watching the action at the second hole from his backyard.  

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More Ernie Els

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Sunk a putt

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The PGA doubles as a golf tournament and a lawn care convention. 

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Either the signature 13th hole or the 10th.  For those who are interested in the course, here's a good map:

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The Nicklaus Village.  Looks pretty swanky.  I know I could never afford hanging out here if they are selling Genny Light for $7.50 a can...

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Magnum PI grooming the green.  What would Robin Masters think?

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More of the Steve Stricker putting clinic

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The long putt

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Lots of activity at the Clubhouse of Oak Hill Country Club.  

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Tiger Woods is here somewhere.  Maybe it's his caddy.  Perhaps another golfer just stole his parking space.

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The main plaza with a mammoth golf shop to the right.  

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It's like going to Eastview Mall, but outside in tents.  

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Taste NY tent.  It's the place to get wine, beer, gin, bourbon, and maple syrup,

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Marianne bringing the out-law spirit to the in-laws.  

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A lawnmower invasion being organized.

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The Golf Channel's set

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Champions Club at the first hole

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Hanging out at the driving range.

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Didn't expect to see this on one of the trees.  Should read, "Gerald Ford, President, Ardent supporter of golf, beer, and nachos.  D'oh."  I've been to a few parties at his childhood home.  The owners have an awesome collection of Ford photos that I wish I had copies of.

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The Executive Suites.  Probably the most expensive place to watch golf on TV.

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The famous Leaning Oak of Oak Hill.  It leans so much it needs a cane.

That's my journey as Rodney Dangerfield from Caddyshack.  There's been a ton of excitement about the PGA being in town.  Rumor has it that Tiger Woods and his caddy hang out at the Starbucks by our house.  Many other interesting places as well.

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