
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Three Babies

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CONGRATS MALLORY, TIM, AND BIG BROTHER EZRA ON THE NEW ADDITION TO THE FAMILY.  This is my 1st cousin once removed (cousin's kid) Hallie Rose Deibel.  Born yesterday.  YEAH!

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That's not the only addition.  The doe that's been way too friendly with us in our back yard give birth to two fawns very recently.  This will add another wrinkle to our ability to enjoy our fire pit...

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A fawn after my own heart.  Who doesn't love a hammock?  If only I wasn't taking a picture through a window when it was raining.  WHY WON'T IT STOP RAINING!??!?!

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This is more of a note to myself.  I need to figure out what plant this is.  It's a really bushy 12 foot tree with these flowers.  Essentially, where that open field is behind the deer above will be filled in with various kinds of flower, trees, and bushes along a path to the fire pit.  Trying to make a nice secluded private area to hang out in the back yard.  
That's it.  A rather uneventful week.  I've watched way more movies and read way too much of East of Eden than I'd care to admit.  That's what three straight weeks or so of rain will do to you...

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