
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorable Memorial Day

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Let's get Memorial Day weekend started on the right foot at Steve's Diner (  Mom and my sister Lisa came in to visit to see what my life is now like in Rochester.  A giant pancake and a Steve's Special will fuel this day's adventure

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Lisa in the mob at the Public Market (

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I wonder how much spice it would take to make road kill taste delicious?

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$5 for chicken poop...

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Yep, we're in apple country.

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All my ladies

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Martha Jane's Bakery.  
"How long have you been here?"  
"Ummm...  Three years..."
"Really?  Man, I guess I haven't been paying attention."
Smelled awesome.  Have to remember to try this place the next time I'm at the market

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Nothing says Memorial Day Weekend like a tiny skateboard with a screaming eagle!

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This is not the Susan B. Anthony House.  But, this is their visitor center and Sue's sister's house.  Don't know who she is?  Then you are required to read this:

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The Susan B. Anthony House ( just off of Main Street in downtown Rochester.  It was really interesting and our docent gave us a wonderful 45 minute private tour.  They have done a great job restoring the house.  Sorry, no photos...

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Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass having some tea together in the park

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Three people with no family resemblance at the High Falls on the Pont De Rennes Bridge

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Panorama of the High Falls gorge.

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Ginny Light!  Checking out the new brew house of the Genesee Beer Brewery.  They seem to have done a nice job in spite of demolishing a historic structure for another parking lot.

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Mt Hope Cemetery (

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Well, if you're going to see where Susan B. Anthony died, you might as well see where she's buried.  Unfortunately, the good photo of my mom and Lisa posing with the headstone is on my mom's camera...

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Susan B. Anthony's tea partner, Frederick Douglass

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Xzomia does not exist on google, therefore it does not exist.  

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Mount Hope Chapel

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Fountain sculpture

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Well, they were a week late for the Lilac Festival ( in Highland Park, but we could still stop by and check out the blossoms

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One of the countless flowers in Highland Park (

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Highland Park Reservoir.  Looks way more tropical that in was...

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Pittsford Farms Dairy.  It's funny how it takes people visiting from out of town to go some places...

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Schoen Place in Pittford along the canal

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There was a high school crew competition while we were there

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The George Eastman House (  This is one of my favorite places in Rochester.  Who's George Eastman?  Well, he's pretty much the guy that made this blog possible (

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Lisa and George reading the paper.

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Not a bad estate, eh?

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Got ta stop 'n smell da roses...

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Found Oscar the Grouch wandering around the side streets downtown

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A little bit of shopping on Park Ave before going over to the family BBQ (oddly enough, a Cinco de Mayo themed dinner on Memorial Day.  Not complaining as I love Mexican).

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THANKS MOM AND LISA for coming to visit us!  I hope you enjoyed your time here and we hope to see you soon!!!

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Ugh...  Since the ladies left it means I have to do chores.  There's a lawnmower somewhere in that grass...

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Well, we ran out of time, but the little Christmas tree has been planted. 

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The fire pit has been christened!  BEHOLD ITS GLORY!

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Jessie from Breaking Bad and my wife...  

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