
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thanks Chicago and Welcome to Rochester!

First off, let me thank the MANY, MANY, MANY people and organizations in Chicago that have helped me over the years. The Art Institute of Chicago for the education and temp work. The Chicago Architecture Foundation for letting me help them in their store and tour department. To the American Institute of Architects for being great people. To Children's Memorial Foundation for being a great place to work and giving me more experience than I could have imagined. There are so many colleagues and friends to thank that I can't even begin. We loved Chicago, but we'll miss the people. We hope to keep in touch through email, facebook, and in person. Thanks!!! \

Steve making martinis at Megan and I's going away party at the American Institute of Architects (AIA)

The "other Megan," Julie, and Zurich (who has been super kind to Megan and I for many years helping us out with work, restaurants, and so much more)


A successful night


My going away gift from Children's Memorial Foundation. It strangly goes well with the rest of my "art collection." Especially the Ruby Bradford "The Next Superman Doll" painting...

Packing. Two piles: stuff to keep and stuff to the Salvation Army...





The Gong that won the hearts of people all over America. When I commented this was in the "givaway" pile on Megan's Facebook update, comments swarmed in to save it from finding a better home. It will be hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend with music guest T.I.

All the possessions that own me...

Our last meal in Chicago

Megan showing off...

Megan getting gas in Nowhere, Indiana

The toll booth to get into Ohio

The fancy reststop in Ohio: Home To the Most Expensive Burger King this side of the Mississippi!


Our place for the evening at the Best Western in Elyria, Ohio. It had a nice bed and that's about all I used after packing the truck and driving several hours. There's a Denny's nearby with the friendliest server in the world works mornings. He looks like the Michael Cera.

Lovely Erie, Pennsylvania. It's strange to travel across America because you can drive over 600 miles and every town along the highway is exactly alike...

The Rock and/or Roll Delta Sonic in Erie.

WE MADE IT TO ROCHESTER! Here's Megan's dad's dog Gerty the Ewok.

This about sums up Rochester for me: my wife, a dog, and the local drink of choice Genny Light (for Chicagoans: think PBR. For Michiganders; think Stroh's).

A cool Victorian house I found on my epic bike ride in suburban Rochester from Pittsford to Penfield. The distance isn't great, but the only connecting roads are highways without sidewalks or safe bike paths. So, I went down every side street, through lawns, over trails and rivers and learned a lot about biking on the east side...

Our temporary home, which is Megan's brother Rich's permanent place. So, a super big thanks goes to Rich for letting us steal his guest room, letting us watch the Bear beat the Packers?!?!, and generally interfere with his home life. Thanks and we are looking for apartments tonight.

That's about it for now. My email is the same. My facebook is the same. My cell phone is the same. The only thing is my address is different and will probably be changing again in a couple weeks. So, let me know if you plan on sending me something before you do...

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