
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chicago Air & Water Show (sort of...)

Let me just start off by saying that I was spoiled growing up because I went to the Air Fair in Muskegon, Michigan when it was an independent operation and awesome. You could climb on the planes, you were surrounded by planes, they flew all around you. So, Megan and I were very let down by our first and only Chicago Air & Water Show. Not only was it crowded with every annoying idiot with a 100 mile radius of Chicago screaming horrible things to their toddlers, but we barely saw planes. Forget about the water show...

Leap Frogs during the national anthem.

Notice the tents and umbrellas. Really? It's an "Air" show. Why would you bring something that completely blocks your view of the air? Common sense...



The Chicago Fire Department water rescue demonstration somewhere behind the giant tent that kept falling down because the owners didn't know how to install the poles...


F18 Super Hornet

Closer view of the Super Hornet

Blackhawk helicopters doing some demonstration on the water. At least we see these prowling the skies whenever President Obama's in town


Human infestation..

So, about 2 hours into the 5-6 hour show, we decided to leave. It was miserable and completely disappointing. Maybe we should have watched from some place other than North Avenue. Maybe we should have known better and not gone at all.

On a brighter note, I found the car that will be know as the Kraus Family Truckster. One day, I'll pack the ol' wife and kids in this Mercedes and travel around the country. Probably be divorced and lose custody by the time we get back. But what an adventure!!!

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