
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Everyone Goes Coo-Coo Bananas When They Arrest My Neighbor

Our Governor (my neighbor) was arrested today. Apparently, they arrested him for being "a politician." Doesn't every politician use their political power of monetary gain? Anyway, read up on the man I saw shopping at Toys 'R Us:,rod-blagojevich-illinois-governor-custody-120908.article

Megan's work, American Instutute of Architects - Chicago, had their x-mas party at the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies a few nights ago. This is their new building. It's facade is designed to look all busted up or something in the front. Think Robocop futuristic.

Inside at the party

They had some kind of cool looking display. Unfortunately, this is as close as I got to it.


I love my neighbors (not Blagojevich this time) with their decorations. Halloween was pretty good too. I think they add something new everyday. Since I took this, they have added a life-sized Santa Claus and a music system.

Decorations at the fire station on Elston near Sacremento

Our Charlie Brown x-mas tree. It has a couple of gifts under it now. Thanks Katie!

This customized stocking was part of Megan's gift last year.

Which meant, this year I had to customize a matching stocking of my own...

Not too much going on here other than cold, snow, and lots of x-mas parties. I have five or six x-mas parties at work. The first is tomorrow and it should be good. Nick and Katherine's is on Saturday. There's probably a few others I'm forgetting about at the moment. Plus, I have to do my x-mas shopping still. Another reason why Thankgiving and Labor Day are the best holidays ever. Still trying to figure out the x-mas plans. I think I need to eat something.



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