
Thursday, May 1, 2008

HEY! This is Hill People Milk!!!

For those who don't know, here's the info. You will receive more later to remind you...

Frances trying to keep her arms warm with Noah at the BBQ

Karli breaking in the new charcoal chimney

Blue loving the attention, petting, and patio

Megan looking very chic.

Angela wearing her amazing shrinking arm flannel from China.

Angela's Postcard from China. It says:

Hey Kids! This trip has been
sweet! A visual and sensory
overload. Neon and wall-to-wall
people. Night markets full of
plastic cheap everything. Temples
and gardens. Communism everywhere.
A karaoke on every corner. Drank
on some sweet bridges and made
a tool of myself many times trying
out my Chinese. I thought that
Chicago traffic was bad but
China traffic is a free-for-all. I
got hit by a scooter today - nothing
bad though. Hung out with
some cool German skateboarders
in Shanghai from my hostel.
So much to see and take
pictures of. Will bring
you kids home some really
terrible rice wine! Glad I
took this jump across the ocean!
See you soon - Angela

This is everyone BBQing. Picture taken from camera strapped to an eagle...

Some BBQ rookies came to our place and showed us up. Talapia? Reallly?!?!? I mean the fanciest thing we ever cook is Ball Park Franks... Maybe burgers

Modernism show in the River North area.

Megan all gussied up for the Modernism show since it was a work event for her.

More stuff to buy and sell

Here's a robot coathanger? sculpture? soldier?


Went to Artropolis, which is a GIGANTIC, HUGE art show at the Merchandise Mart. Thing of every art gallery and museum you've ever seen. Now think of it being in one place. I took a few pictures of the city while up there...

Taking pics from this building always look awesome. Like they are from some tourist Chicago calendar...


booth after booth after booth of galleries from all over the world...

Art or copyright infringement?

Megan's been having troubles with her car recently. So, I made her a VW of wood...

I have found my summer project. Or should I say, my summer project found me? This is the third Chicago Bears van I've found in three weeks! Will this be this years version of me taking my picture with presidential statues?

Kuma's Corner "Lair of the Minotaur" burger

Metallica burger. I have to say I was really disappointed with the burgers this time. Since I was last there, they've replaced the meat with cheaper processed meat I think. It tasted like it was grilled and prepared the same and it was all good. But, the meat on the inside didn't get the marination and seasoning like before. The interior meat was so bland and kinda gross. But, that's the trend at restaurants these days with the economy the way it is. Good job George Bush, our first MBA president...

Parking garage sign in Streeterville. Every level was named after a musician and the elevator had their music playing. Too bad we couldn't park in "Neil Diamond."

I discovered the "cuisine" mode on the camera. Look how delicious it made the meal look. This is the Beef and Lamb Charwma (sp?) from Samiramis on N. Kedzie. Super awesome good!

Here are the french fries and Megan's chicken something in the distance

So, I saw a picture frame near the garbage in an alley near Irving Park and Sacramento and thought I could use it. Unfortunately, the frame was completely useless. But, there were photos tucked into it. I liked them and thought I'd share them.

I wonder what the story is. Are these from a portrait studio in South America or something? Kind of like the studio that girl from "Nepolean Dynomite" ran?

beautiful landscape

Nothing like the KMart at Sacramento and Addison

"Hello Mr. Easter Bunny. You are famous. May I take a photo with you in this thrift store?"

"I love you brother."
"I love you too, man."
"Let's take a picture"
"I will put my hand on you even though you have leprosy."
"You are a true brother..."

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