
Thursday, January 3, 2008

"So, You’re Pretty Much Just a Big Kid, Huh?"

Merry X-mas New Year and all!

I do what I have to when I chop onions

For x-mas, we went to visit Megan's family in Rochester, New York. I figured that I made her see my family and go camping for a week. I'd better even the score up a bit. Here's the little lady at Midway Airport.

Midway was shut down for two hours and it was packed with travelers. No seats and the flight was delayed for a few hours.

Here's the bar we ended up in after our flight and dinner. It's somewhere in the Rochester vacinity and called (something) Corner Bar. They had a good cover back that certainly brought the rock!

This is Kelly, which is Megan's brother's dog.

Here's "Illegal Motion," the tailgating vehicle Megan's dad hangs out at when he goes to the Bill's game. Her uncle and family had a pig roast and it was awesome!

And, what's a pig roast without a pig's head on a post. Yep, that's a real pig head threatening the NY Giants and their fans on the way to Ralph Wilson Stadium.

Megan eatting the pig body, which was so moist and tender and good!

Food and booze everywhere!

Megan has a lot of uncles and cousins. I only remember Andre and he's not even blood...

Nothing is more festive and christmas-y than a family gathering under a pig head...

LET'S GO BUFFALO! It's official, I've been to more Bills games than Lions or Bears games. So, does that make me a Bills fan? Can't be worse than a Lion fan...

Luckily, the seat at the stadium are heated!

Right after the game ended, they prepared the field for the Winter Classic, which hosted the Buffalo Sabres and Pittsburgh Penguins in the first outdoor NHL game in the US of A.

Remember this picture. This is the 1st quarter. A 4th quarter pic will follow.

The stadium also has an indoor sports bar area. When the sleet and rain and wind picked up, we hid in there for a while.

Nothing like fans getting upset in front of the TV when the game is ten feet to the left.

As promised, the 4th quarter pic. Nothing like watching the Bills lose in freezing rain!

Walking back to the car after the game. Thanks to Megan's dad for the tickets!

We went to Megan's mom's house too and this is the view of Canadagua (sp?) Lake from her porch. It's alright, I guess...

One of the famed finger lakes.

x-mas eve with the family. Here's Rachel (Tachel) and I during our camera war. I think I won because I have Photoshop. Nothing like beating a 3 year old.

"I'm a princess!"

The princess twirling and showing off for the camera and her uncle Dave.

I'm tired of opening and playing with presents.

Here's George Eastman's (of Eastman Kodak) Mansion. Pretty swanky place. The elephant head is a nice sutble statement. I have to thank him for my camera though. It shouldn't work considering how much I beat the thing up.

George and I have similar taste. I would have been a classy gentleman in the late 1800s and early 1900s. I missed my time...

Luscious lady!

Some holiday bears at an old timey gas station in Canadigua (sp?)

Megan's new giant HDTV. X-mas was good to her this year

My x-mas present. Why is it I always look like a serial killer when I get all gussied up?

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! Noah getting the NYE party started by messing with the cat

Frances and Amanda!

Megan all dolled up on the sweater couch.


Frances has a sour face

Dance party!

I'm not sure what's going on here.

A nice snowfall for NYE. We're on our way to Goldie's. A great bar with no cover, $1 PBR, and $3 well drinks.

Better take a pretty pic before we get ugly.

IT'S 2008. LET'S MAKE OUT! Frances, you misplaced Noah!

PDA. Way to gross people out.

I don't know...

This was the "pretty" version of the previous pic.

Me, Megan, Frances, and Noah. I don't know where the other girls went. Nick took the pic and Katherine wasn't losing her barstool for anything.

Frances keeps jumping in front of the camera. Are you happy?!?!?

Noah, Nick, Katherine, and Megan at Goldies!

If Frances and I hang out, it's required that we have one "roller coaster" pic taken.

That's it. Hope everyone had a good holiday.



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