
Monday, July 2, 2007

Belchy Bartokomous Or Farty McFly?

Things are coming along nicely. In a few days, I will be at the copy shop making the next issue of my 'zine. It's all written and all. So, hooray! In the next couple of weeks, I will be going camping. Hooray again! The 4th of July is this week. I've been BBQ-ing like there's no tomorrow. Fireworks! HOORAY!

Here's a bee drawn on a building that caught on fire near my apartment.

I've been seeing some fine automobiles lately. I have to think it's somehow connected to the Transformers movie.

The girls posing for Katie's (left) going away party, part II. For those that don't know, Katie is going to be a "Marilyn Monroe-type actress" at Disney World. So, that means a trip to Disney this October!

Margarita's for Katie!

Nick showing off Black Moses by Isacc Hayes. Karli's mom gave it to him with some other good finds from garage sales in Minnesota.

This is my new favorite photographer. He is located across the street from the Two-Way Lounge on Lincoln.

Matt and Amanda at the Two-Way Lounge. I don't know when the Two-Way became a Hipster bar, but it's strange. Seeing a packed bar full of kids with funny haircuts is much different than a couple of regulars. It's a good time, but a very different atmosphere. It's only a matter of time though until the douchebags arrive and PBR goes from $1 to $3...

Nick, Rob, and Matt figuring out the economics of the Two-Way.

To me, this much patriotism is suspicious. What are they hiding behind the flag that is eight stories tall and six windows wide? Is this a front? Whatever it is, I have to say: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

Tearing down a building on Clark somewhere near the Gold Coast.

I'm all about environmentalism, but I have limits. This is the worm bin at work. We are suppose to dump our food into this bin and have the worms convert it into dirt. Nothing too odd since I grew up with a composter and had a similar set up in Grand Rapids. But, this is downtown Chicago. This thing is going to stink up the office and bring in more bugs than you can imagine. Also, what are we going to do with the dirt in downtown Chicago? We don't have plants because we don't have windows. I'm sure you will hear more about this. It's the talk of the office already...

Beth and John showing off John's Pasta Party 2007.

PIZZA FEST! IT'S PIZZA FEST. This is Pizza Fest? Really? What a disappointment. Well, it wasn't well planned. Pizza Fest is a great idea and everyone I knew wanted to go to it. But, they scheduled it at the same time as the Taste of Chicago and no vendor was going to be here instead. So, only three pizza stands at Pizza Fest. I think they had more sunglass vendors than pizza. It was their first year. If they do this next year and hold it in September, I bet it would be awesome.

Mike, Megan, and I hung out at the beach for a little bit since Pizza Fest was a bust. Sat in the patio area overlooking downtown and then walk the beach. Feet in the water. Nice...

What a strange lifeguard situation in Chicago. If our lifeguards are in a rowboat wearing rain coats, it's no wonder they never filmed Baywatch here.

Cooking hot dogs at Angela and Brent's apartment!

Karli teasing the very pleasant Gracie.

Words fail me...

That's all. It should be another busy week. At some point, I need to pick up some batteries because they are on their last leg. No batteries = no pictures. With all the festivals, parties, and trips coming up, I need to remedy that soon. Much love, Mike

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