
Monday, June 18, 2007

What Did I Expect?

I expect a good time in Chicago...

More fun at the Chicago History Museum. If I keep going there, I'm going to get fired from my job...

Francey-pants on the Ol' Timey Bike.

Ohhhh... The Great Fire of Chicago in 1871

Frances and the old lady waiting for the train to the Columbian World's Exposition of 1893. She's preserved in carbonite just like Han Solo.

Monkey's wearing barrets at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Seriously, if you are not French you shouldn't wear a barret. I'm looking at you US Army. Does anyone remember the controversy about the US Army starting to wear barrets (which are French) and the hats being made in China? They had to reissue all new hats that were made in America? What a great waste of time and money...

Okay. The Meercats at LPZ are my new favorite exhibit. They spend as much time watching the people as the people do watching them.

THE PUERTO RICAN FESTIVAL IN HUMBOLDT PARK! Look at what was going on right outside my apartment. This guy is grilling steaks on a go-go dancer cage! It was great and it came with rice, plantains, salad, and a potato. The best carni' food I've ever had.

The giant spinning, swinging, puke machine.

Goethe, the mastermind of the German people. Hmmm... So, he's the guy who's all about punctuality and high quality engineering...

Puerto Rican Festival invaded downtown Chicago. Now I am surrounded with Puerto Rican pride at my home and work! It's a good thing.

Puerto Rican Parade crossing Michigan at Jackson.

They had a DJ on the back of this truck and the music was so loud that I was inside and still had to yell to communicate with my co-workers.

Jason (the only guy in the photo) at his babyshower in Forest Park. It was a coed party with dinner and booze. That's where I met Else. She was a fine older woman who serves a stiff drink:

Else: (Pouring rum in a glass) Tell me when.
Me: You'll never here that from me.
Else: I like ya. You're just like my husband.

Photos to come? All I know is I want to move into the Eagles lodge in Forest Park, IL and I hope Else comes with the joint.

This was entertaining me on the drive home. I could have chosen a worse career...

And after drinking with Else at a babyshower, it's always good to follow that up with Dance Dance Revolution. This is at Katie's going away party. She's moving to Orlando to become a "Marilyn Monroe-type" actress at Disney World. So, this is where I get to say "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!"

Me, Katie, and some guy playing Guitar Hero. Notice how I summon the spirit of Kurt Cobain. If I didn't see my elbows so well in this picture, I'd be worried about being a heroin addict.

Niki In the Park at the Garfield Park Conservatory. What better way to survive a hangover? Plus, Megan and I found $7 on the train platform, which we donated to the conservatory. We better get some damn good karma for that because it would have been much better for us to buy two smoothies since it was 95 degrees with 100% humidity. Anyway, look up Niki De Saint Phalles work at:

Most of Niki's work is mosiac glass, beads, and tiles like this lucious smurfette sculpture.

This is my favorite part of the tree museum.

Megan sitting in the ugly Niki chair.

Me and Megan have drinks and a picnic with a snake (under my left arm),

If only you knew how much I was sweating...

Freaked out eagle totem

Egyptian phallic totem.

This is titled Basketball Player #23. Hmmm... Who is that? I mean, we're in Chicago. Just footsteps away from the United Center. Damn you LeBron James!

The coolest sculpture of them all. If this goes missing from the Conservatory, they better check my apartment livingroom.

Megan inside the skull!

A tree of serpents!

The Garfield Park Fieldhouse.

That's it. I'm going to work on the 'zine and layout of the porch. It's another 90+ degree day. So, if you see me lying face down in the shade with a sprinkler on me, don't worry. My neighborhood is still safe.

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