
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"Yeah, They're Pretend Monkeys!"

Dear You, Here's the Memorial Day Weekend Edition of my life...

Nick and Karli enjoying a few brews on the back porch. A great hobbie I would like to see more of.

Here's a couple members of the "Fashion Police" outside of my work. If these girls would have caught me, I'd be in some fashion concentration camp for a very long time...

You know, the Ad Council is trying to make a statement that you should follow politics or you'll elect food. But, I'm thinking that people shouldn't follow politics so they do elect food. I mean, I'd much rather see Sweet Peas running the country than George W. Bush. At least President Sweet Peas wouldn't get us into unnecessary wars in the middle east. Yeah, I said it...

Ryan Daly and Amanda Talmadge at Galway Bay after Radar 7's final Chicago performance.

Diversey Harbor looking toward the Loop.

Megan at Small Bar after a few tator tots...

Ronan and John. Notice how much John hates that salad. I'm serious, he hates that salad!

FLW inspired park just north of the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Lily Pad in the pond.

"Hi Adam!"
"Hi Polar Bear..."

If Nirvana were a band of polar bears, this would be there breakout album Nevermind cover.

Camels shedding.



They watch us more than we watch them.

Walking toward Oak Street Beach in downtown Chicago.

In front of Buckingham Fountain, firefighters were hosing off the water for some reason unknown to us. Probably just trying to pick up girls near the lake...

Buckingham Fountain looking toward the Loop.

Some sculptures by some Polish lady about the Holocaust. How can art about something so depressing be so fun?

Spertus Museum's new facility!

What Memorial Day is all about.

Crowne Fountain at Millennium Park. Look at how many friggin' people are in this fountain!

Somehow, this has become my latest trademark. I've had quite a few pics with presidents lately...

Nothing shows the glamous side of Mike Kraus more than this...

Megan's pretty picture.

The Renzo Piano addition to the Art Institute as seen from Millennium Park. I really like this because all the plants are growing and it's almost like the building is growing from the Lurie Garden too.

That's it. I'm going to clean my room, find my fan, and go to bed. The Pistons played another lazy game and allowed LeBron James to tie the series at 2-2. Lazy... Red Wings lose to the Mighty Ducks was bad enough. If Pistons don't knock out the Cavs, it's bad news...



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