
Monday, February 26, 2007

Mike Kraus - The Eatting Edition

To start out, my appologies to Salmon; Beastman for not seeing their show on Saturday. I didn't think you were going to make it because of the weather and when I found out you did I didn't have a way of getting there. Next time...

Side of a building in Humboldt Park. Dorothy Brown is running against Mayor Daley in tomorrow's election. Most people when they see Dorothy Brown's name say "who?"

Amanda, Mike, and Tyler on a much happier wing night than they look...

Matt deep in conversation.

Cliff and SME keeping Matt deep in thought with their provocative ideas.

Part of Adam, Laia, Kieshia, Megan, and part of Vincent celebrating Chay getting a new job at Columbia College. I can't show you Chay because I didn't take a picture of him...

Roberto! How did you get that sauce on the end of your nose?

That explains it! When will we learn to stop eatting chicken wings?!?!

That's all. I need to practice my docent stuff some more. I need to do laundry, but the wash machine is busted. I should be shaving, but I like the beard in this weather. So it goes...



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