
Monday, October 9, 2006


Tigers are in the American League Championship Series! Hells yeah!

This is a fancy house I went to for a work event. Man, some people have too much money and have no idea what to do with it...

This is just their livingroom, which is just a fraction of the home.

Another part of the livingroom.

Look at this bed. Who sleeps on something like this? It's like a Gap store display.

The view from the fancy house.

Take Down the Bush Regime-The World Can't Wait protest that went by my office. What a great city I live in.

Look at these goons.


Too bad I had to work.

Marching down Jackson toward Federal Plaza.

What are we in Iraq for again?

What a beautiful day for a march...

Man, there are more officers on Michigan Avenue than in Iraq. It's all about priorities...

They literally were bringing them in by the busloads.

Fall fashions for 2006. Combat gear is the new black.

Spooky ad near my apartment.

Here's Blue taking it easy.

I went to the Chicago Bears game against the Buffalo Bills. I don't even want to know how much the tickets cost.

I'm actually really surprised we got in considering how difficult it was to find people scalping tickets.

On my way to the 400 level.

To me, the old part of the stadium is still more impressive than the new...

Looking north inside Soldier Field.

Looking east inside Soldier Field.


Looking south inside Soldier Field.

The Field Museum just north of Chicago Field.

At the Shedd Aquarium.

Check out these crabs!

A Kimoto Dragon.

The new wing of the aquarium where fish swim above you!

Look at this wall 'o fish!

Viaduct near my apartment.

What an awesome weeks its been. Another NFL game. A trip to the aquarium. Some really good food. Great weather. I've got great roommates and an apartment. Chicago is really the greatest city in the world!!!



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