
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tips For Working At Home: Staging Your Virtual Office

Staging Your Virtual Office

The Coronavirus has forced many of us to work from home.  And this poses some serious issues when it comes to appearing professional to your clients and boss.  Especially when you're using Zoom, Skype, Facetime, or other video calling system.  Here are some suggestions I have from helping set up my wife's temporary work space.

1) The background should not be distracting.  Preferably a flat wall with minimal decor.  All clutter should be removed.  Or use Zoom Virtual/Microsoft virtual backgrounds (  

2) Have camera parallel to wall and avoid corners, which makes space look small and strange.

3) Don't have camera facing high traffic areas of the home like a hallway, doors, playroom, etc.  Make sure you are able to separate from pets, children, and other interference.

4) Have a light source (window, lamp, etc) in front of you to remove shadows from your face.

5) Set camera at eye level.  You don't want to literally be "looked down on" and you don't want people looking up your nose the entire meeting.  Stack books or a cardboard box under computer if necessary.  This applies if you use a smartphone too.  Don't wander around your house making breakfast or doing chores.  The movement can be nauseating.  You don't want people to avoid contacting you because it looks like you're on a roller coaster every time you talk.  

6) Wear solid color shirts instead of patterns, which cause agitation and camera distortions.

7) Be aware of your facial expressions.  Do you turn up your nose when you hear something you don't like?  Are your eyes starting to glaze over from boredom?  Take notes or have a drink to break monotony. 

8) Prepare and practice.  If you are sharing materials, look at them ahead of time and make sure they look good.  Don't feel comfortable with the technology, practice with a co-worker, friend, or spouse.

9) Hide your video display.  It diverts your attention.  Now, you look great, so have confidence.

Obviously, we need to be flexible.  There are going to be limitations and exceptions.  You may not have extra space in an apartment.  There might not be a plug on a wall with good lighting.  The goal is to minimize any problems and amplify the successes.

Hope this helps. And, if you have any questions, please let me know. We're all in this together. 
Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Monday, March 30, 2020

Don't Touch Your Face!

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

Don't Touch Your Face! #354
pen and ink on Bristol paper
2.5" x 3.5" (6.35 cm x 8.89 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus

It is estimated that people touch their faces about 23 times per hour! Respiratory infections can be caused by many different bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing germs. When you touch your face with dirty, unwashed hands, germs can take up residence in your mucous membranes which can lead to an infection.

There are several ways that you can protect yourself from getting a respiratory infection:
1) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Never touch your face with dirty hands.
2) Wash your hands frequently. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations (Use an 60-95% alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands if soap and water are not available).
3) Get a flu shot every year. Encourage your family and friends to get a flu shot too!
4) Ask your healthcare provider if the pneumonia vaccine is right for you.
5) Avoid being close to people who are coughing and sneezing.

Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Sneeze Dab

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

Sneeze Dab #353
pen, ink, and graphite on Bristol paper
2.5" x 3.5" (6.35 cm x 8.89 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus

Dab when you sneeze. Bend your arm, and make sure you sneeze into, not over, your elbow. Keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water ( One final practice that helps prevent the spread of respiratory disease is avoiding close contact with people who are sick. If you are ill, you should try to distance yourself from others so you do not spread your germs. Distancing includes staying home from work or school ( (From

Tips For Working At Home

Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

This Is How We Roll

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

This Is How We Roll #352
gouache paint on Bristol paper
2.5" x 3.5" (6.35 cm x 8.89 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus

Don't worry about toilet paper.  There's almost too much being mass-produced.  Almost 150 companies make countless millions of rolls per year.  Also, the Coronavirus is a respiratory disease; not gastrointestinal.  Obviously, we're emotional beings who feel like we need "to do something" in times of uncertainty.  The best thing you could do would be to learn to wash your hands:

Tips For Working At Home

Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tips For Working At Home

Tips For Working At Home

About 6 years ago, I started to work from home full-time. It was a difficult transition and I met many failures immediately. I'd become distracted because the lawn needed mowing, a friend wanted to hang out, or I was a default babysitter for a sick kid. Yet, work was always there and I'd become burned out because I was staying up late working on a project when I should be sleeping. Those initial missteps lead to many changes. Changes I've been asked about a lot by friends and family now they are forced to work at home because of the Coronavirus. Here are my suggestions:

1) Have office hours: Your boss and clients need to know when they can reach you. More importantly, they need to know when you're unavailable. This is necessary to keep your work life and home life separate. If a client calls after hours, let it go to voicemail. If no one is going to die, it's not an emergency.

2) Have breaks, use entire breaks, and celebrate successes: There's only two reasons why you work over 40 hours per week: you're overworked or you're terrible at your job. If you're you have too many tasks on your plate, you're going to burnout in a blaze of glory. If you're not good at your job, then maybe it's a good time to reflect on a new career. But, just like office hours, you need to take a couple 15-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch. My dog is great for this. For 15-minutes I focus my attention on her and have fun. It's the best part of the day and it recharges me for work. Generally, I don't take 30-minutes to eat. But, it gives me time to pause and reflect on the day. It's a great time to do a quick task you like: baking cookies, practicing guitar, or gardening. (Warning: Having a refrigerator so close can lead to mindless boredom snacking.  I don't keep junk food in the house for that reason)

Also, find a small way to celebrate your successes. It can be disappointing making a sale, closing a deal, or whatever and not being able to tell someone. It can be a snack, taking a bit of a longer break to play a game, or breaking open a nip bottle of alcohol. 

3) Make a routine: It's easy to lose track of time, dates, and other markers of time when every day is the same. So, you need to create regular daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. For example, I schedule my emails for the first Monday of each month. I plan my promotions for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Every day, I bring my dog outside at 11am and 3pm along with other activities. And set aside limited time for checking emails and social media. These can be a never-ending black hole. 

4) Have a work space: You need a dedicated place where work happens. I use to work all over the house. Nice days would be in the garage and patio. Sometimes I'd work on projects in the basement. Maybe in the family room if there was something I wanted to watch on TV. But, nothing has boosted my productivity than having a dedicated studio to work. And, it's a space that my wife, friends, and family understand that I'm not to be interrupted. 

5) Have the necessary equipment: This is particularly difficult for Coronavirus because it is (hopefully) temporary. You don't want to waste money on supplies you won't need when you return to the office. But, check with your employer about providing you with the proper equipment. Many places will gladly provide supplies to write off on their taxes. Also, keep your receipts for the same reason (phone bill, internet, property taxes, etc). Many companies have employees that work remotely. So, don't be shy about asking for items that make you more productive like printer ink, computer screens, chairs, etc. 

6) Set boundaries for social/family interaction: "You work from home, so you can do what you want" is a false statement I hear frequently. My home is now my office. And since I have office hours (tip #1), it is a place of business from Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm. Let them know you can get a drink, babysit, or whatever when your workday is over. 

For example, my wife is now forced to work from home. I work in my studio and she's temporarily in the family room. We separate after breakfast, have lunch together. and see each other after 5pm. Just like if we were in the office. 

7) Communication: This can be the most difficult. When my wife went to a conference, I didn't physically see another human being for a week. So, it's easy to lose your social skills. And you develop other strange social skills. 

a) Reach out to colleagues: Set aside some time to talk with your co-workers. While my organization is a "one-man band," I talk regularly with other artists, online sellers, and curators. It's not only good networking, but keeps me from becoming socially isolated. 

b) Repeat yourself. Repeat it again. And don't forget to repeat yourself: With virtual communication being so cheap and easy, people forget things mentioned in text, email, etc. If something is important, I find I have to say it three times to make it stick in their brain. Another trick is to include a "task list" in every message during a project. This way, everyone know's where you are at on a project. 
c) Communicate visually and by voice: You may be busy right now, but this can save a lot of time in the long run. The human brain did not evolve to understand texts, emails, and other abstract communications. Because of this, they are frequently misread and interpreted negatively. How many mundane emails/texts have you sent that turned into a fight? So, use Facetime, Zoom, Skype and/or the phone to let people see your facial expressions and hear the tone of your voice. Humans are emotional creatures. And seeing your emotions will put them at ease. 

8) Leave work: This is related to office hours (Tip #1). After 5pm, get away from your dedicated work space (Tip #2, #3, #4 and #5). And find something to immediately turn your work brain off like playing a video game, reading, or going outside with your kids. This also applies when you are sick and for vacation time. You have to keep recharging yourself. 

9) There are a lot of perks of being at home: Can you believe I get to play with my dog at work! That's awesome. Also, I have a kitchen full of the food I want to eat every day. I play the loud music I want without anyone complaining. Just writing this, I think "teenage Mike Kraus" might think "old man Mike Kraus" is maybe "okay..." 

10) Find what works best for you: I admit that I am a hypocrite because I have violated each one of my tips. And, it was at my own peril. I've had shows on weekends, worked at 2am, skipped breaks, hung out during the day with friends, and so much more. I either compensate for it by adjusting my schedule/routine appropriately or I burnout with regret. 

Do what works best for you. If you're a morning person; load up your schedule early and breeze through the end of the day. If your a night owl; sleep in and grind out the evening in style. It takes a lot of discipline to work from home. But, once you have the stability of a good routine, it can free up a lot of your energy for more fun. 

Hope this helps. And, if you have any questions, let me know. We're all in this together. 

Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Monday, March 23, 2020

Wash Your Hands, Kitty!

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

Wash Your Hands, Kitty! #351
gouache paint on Bristol paper
2.5" x 3.5" (6.35 cm x 8.89 cm) 
© copyright Mike Kraus

Washing your hands is easy, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and throughout an entire community—from your home and workplace to childcare facilities and hospitals.

Follow these five steps every time.
1) Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
2) Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
3) Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
4) Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
5) Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Lavender Farm

Brightscapes: The Way To Beauty

Lavender Farm
acrylic paint on canvas
24" x 48" (60.9 cm x 121.9 cm)
© copyright Mike Kraus
To purchase, please visit:

Our bikes race up and down the gentle hills of Provence.  Everything has a distinct texture, the colors are vibrant, and the perfume in the air is intoxicating.  And every twisting road we turn down has countless rows of purple and blue lavender.  The heat of the Mediterranean sun presses against our backs as we pedal back to the village of Sault.  I'll never forget the fields of France.

This painting would look best in a medium-to-large space that is light red, yellow, orange, green, blue, deep purple, black, white, grey, beige, or wood

Michael Kraus was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning his Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he attended Grand Valley State University for his graduate degree. From there, he gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place he worked, he had his sketchbook with him and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, Kraus became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, he has sold hundreds of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, Kraus lives in Rochester, New York with his beautiful wife and goofy dog.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Love In The Time Of Coronavirus


Quick stop in Peekskill, NY to get a headstart on our trip.  So, we spend the evening  at the Birdsall House (, The Quiet Man Public House ( and Gleason's (

Here's a surprise.  The Inn On the Hudson ( really lives up to it's name.  But, the location is a blessing and a curse.  While it does have a wonderful view, the noise is pretty obnoxious.  Much worse than our hotel in NYC.  There's a highway and a railroad just below this view.  And, for some reason, the train blows it's whistle all night long.  As the Blues Brothers said:  

Jake: How often does the train go by? 
Elwood: So often you won't even notice it.

Looking west on the Hudson River

Looking south on the Hudson River


WE'RE COMING KATIE AND DANIEL!  Taking the Metro-North train ( into the city.  

With a train and construction site, still quieter than Peekskill...  Also had a white noise machine.

It's incredible how many new buildings are being constructed or recently finished.  Not what I expected at all.

View of Manhattan looking north from Gantry Plaza State Park (

View of United Nations Headquarters ( on Manhattan looking west from Gantry Plaza State Park

View of Manhattan looking southwest from Gantry Plaza State Park 

Whoops...  Extreme close up

There we go

Buildings piled on buildings piled on more buildings.

NYC grocery stores still have groceries.  So, Katie had a fun improvised bridal shower with everyone's favorite snacks.

Katie, Vern, and Cotton

Welcome to Long Island City.

My 5 year old nephew Nolan would love all the little emergency vehicles in NYC.  Real life Paw Patrol.

Quite a spread at Sek'end Sun ( in Astoria.  Also, what I've learned from this trip is Daniel and Katie have a sixth sense for knowing when a camera is about to click.

The amazing couple

Passing through Times Square on our way to a birthday brunch with Marisa.  Only my 2nd time here, but much less crowded than the 1st time on a chilly February night at 11pm or so. 

View from Greenpoint Loft ( in Brooklyn.  This place deserves the most stars, kudos, karma, etc.  In the middle of a pandemic with new restrictions, CDC recommendations, a rapidly changing guest list, panic shoppers, and countless other issues; they put on a fun wedding and reception.  Their level of professionalism was outstanding.

A bit of future inspiration

The view toward the East River

Dolled up before getting messed up on the dance floor

A few icons in the skyline.

Social distancing doesn't mean you can't dance.

We were at table 4, which means we get to see Daniel and Katie photos at age 4.

 Did people even have fun at weddings before photobooths?

Finally I get to be in a B-movie about a giant Chiweenie


Katie and Daniel, Thank you for inviting us to your wedding.  YAY!  YOU'RE MARRIED!  And that's the most important thing.  While almost nothing went according to plan, it was a lot of fun.  And you will get lots of bonus karma points for grace under pressure.  At the very least, if the apocalypse does happen someday, we hope the same group of people will be together because we'll go out with style.  You two deserve only the best.  CONGRATS!!!  

The party is over and on our way back home passing through Grand Central Station (

Seriously?  We need some leadership to put a "steady hand on the wheel" because this panic shopping is getting out of control.  We went to 8 different stores and none of them had bread, toilet paper, Pepto Bismol, and countless other products.  We just wanted to get a few things for the house and all that was available was frozen pizza, pasta, and mac and cheese.  

Why are people hoarding toilet paper?

Also, why are people hoarding everything else?

Scout doesn't know it yet, but she's going to love Megan's new routine.  The Coronavirus closed Megan's office for at least 2 weeks.  So, she'll be working from home.  So, we had to improvise a new office space for her.

That's it from Coronavirus in-home isolation.  Stay safe out there.  Remember to cough into your elbow, don't touch your face, practice social-distancing, and wash your hands.  We'll get through this together.