
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Yellow and Orange Chevron Squirrel

Yellow and Orange Chevron Squirrel, 2014
acrylic paint on canvas
10" x 8"
© copyright Mike Kraus

I only fed him one time.  Now, I can't get rid of him.  He hangs on my screen door begging me for more peanut butter.  I'm no longer able to go in the backyard.  Yet, I find the whole thing entertaining.

This painting would great in a space that is light orange, yellow, blue, navy, deep red, or gray.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tree In Albufeira, Portugal

Tree In Albufeira, Portugal, 2014
acrylic paint on canvas
8" x 10" 
© copyright Mike Kraus

Hiking along the Atlantic coast in southern Portugal.  The only shade from the intense sun is a tree.  Every so often, there's a cool breeze from the water to provide some relief.  It's a great place to drink vinho verde.  To plan our life together on the other side of the world. 

This painting would great in almost space that is red, pink, violet, yellow, or blue.

For more information or custom order, please visit:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorialize This!

Mom and Lisa drove in from Michigan to visit Megan and I.

We visited the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center ( in Palmyra.  There was a 19-minute video on "The Restoration," an education center, and historic sites.

 The Moroni Monument on top of Hill Cumorah.

The statue is at the site where Mormonism was founded.

 Headed down south to check out Canandaigua Lake.  Here we are at Kershaw Beach Park.

And what's a trip to the Finger Lakes Region without a sampling of wine?  Had a wine (and beer) tasting at the New York Wine and Culinary Center (  Desert wine, and Rieslings, and beer.  Oh my!

Walking along Main Street for a little food and shopping.

Perfect Memorial Day weekend weather!

Took a little trip to the Sonnenberg Mansion and Gardens (   According to the sign, everything is to the left...

 Megan in the greenhouse

 Lots of flowers

Lots of cactus!

 Lots more cactus!

Even the statues are shocked at how many plants there are.

This is the Japanese Garden portion of the estate.

Bridge over the pond.  And, I just realized these are the same people in my picture from Main Street.  

Little bridge leading to the tea house.

What mansion is complete without a Roman Bath?

Collapsed portion of a small temple.

Lots of geometry.

Lisa and Megan on top of a rock structure in the Rock Garden

 You know you are properly visiting a site when they tell you "Good work getting here!"

Inside the Sonnenberg Mansion.  Just a cozy living room.

Dining room table being waited on by headless women.

The library.

The den.

This is a view from a bedroom porch overlooking the gardens.  

The exterior of the Sonnenberg Mansion.

Another exterior shot.

Most importantly, funny taxidermy

The Flower City Days and the Public Market (

Lots of colors and smells.

And quite a few people too.

 Tons of vendors selling just about anything that goes into the dirt.

 Mom should have received a commission for all the marigolds she sold.

Bright pink and red trees and bushes.

Hunting for the perfect hanging baskets.

 Flowers so red that my camera can't handle it!


A little hike along the canal in Fairport before the cookout.

THANKS MOM AND LISA FOR VISITING!  Hope you had as much fun as we did!

Please check out my art at:
Don't see anything you'd like, let me know and I could create something special for you!