
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Street in Heidelberg, Germany

Street in Heidelberg, Germany, 2014
Oil Pastel
5 1/2" x 3 1/2" in a 9" x 7" frame
© copyright Mike Kraus
$19 + shipping

Summer in Heidelberg, Germany. A lovely city sandwiched between the Odenwald mountains and the Neckar River. The old town is pedestrian friendly with farmer's markets and a castle to watch over the activity. Streets like these lead to the center of the community. It's places like this that make Europe special. 

This drawing would look best somewhere that needs a splash of color, like a beige foyer or an end table.

Thursday, March 27, 2014



I hope you find something you like. If you're unable to find something or saw an item on this blog you liked, please let me know and I may be able to create something special for you.  THANKS AGAIN!

Deep Red Birch Forest, 2014
acrylic and ink on canvas board
8" x 6"

White Birch, 2014
acrylic and ink on paper
6" x 6" in an 8 1/2" x 10 1/2" frame

Dark Green Birch Forest, 2014
acrylic and ink on canvas board
6" x 8"

Blue Birch, 2014
acrylic on canvas board
6" x 8"

Night Birch, 2014
7" x 5" in an 11 1/2" x 9 1/2" frame

White Birch Forest, 2014
acrylic and ink on canvas board
8" x 6"


If you need anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Faces In the Crowd

Faces In the Crowd, 2003ish
pen and ink
© copyright Mike Kraus

I wonder how many people know that I've captured them in my sketchbook?  Here's a sampling from hanging out in Millennium Park in downtown Chicago.  Lots of characters makes for interesting people watching.  You can tell who is a tourist because they look up at all the skyscrapers.  I don't know about the people looking down or about the guy in the top hat.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Meerkat Assembly Plant

Meerkat Assembly Plant, 2014
pen and ink
Collection of Stefanie Gilmour

Science and technology can improve the meerkat.  To challenge what it means to be a meerkat.  Why be only 10 inches tall when you could be six foot tall?  Demand for large meerkats is expected to high as insect and lizard populations are projected to explode due to global climate change.  Of course, this will help Mother Nature stay in balance.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

In Da Moonlight

In Da Moonlight, 2014
© copyright Mike Kraus

Nights are longer here.  Only shadows dance in the moonlight of the old farm.  Howls and secretive footsteps can be heard, but nothing seen, in the nearby fields.  The darkness is honest away from civilization.  Much like the people that live in this neck of the woods.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What a Difference a Week Can Make...

Megan and Scout waiting for me to get pizza in Panorama Plaza.  We've actually had a few decent days to take a walk around the neighborhood.  Good because Scouts getting curious and stir crazy these days (like the rest of us...)

And this is why.  Scout trying to find a place to pee early into Winter Storm Vulcan. 

 "Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in!"  

Not bad for one night's worth of snow, eh? 

Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   Shovel, shovel, photo break.   

Ok.  Now Megan can brave the dangerous icy road to get to work...  Next...

Howdy neighbor.  Don't mind me.  Just shoveling off my car. 

Sorry Mr. Mailman.  This is all I had the energy to complete.  I hope you have snowshoes.

Glad a large portion of this has melted off.  It about sums up my week.  Good excuse to stay at home and watch movies and drink cocoa.  But, the fire pit in my backyard is almost visible and making me anxious for summer...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Night Birch

Night Birch, 2014
© copyright Mike Kraus

Birch trees have always been a meditative source for me.  Growing up, there was one outside my window that I would look at while daydreaming.  And, when I needed to get away from the world I went to a grove of Birch trees to find refuge.  I’ve always found the unique and nearly insignificant white tree interesting.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Influential Michiganders Series

Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close

Who influences you?  There are personal connections with your friends and family.  Maybe it's celebrities or international icons.  These are just a few people that influenced Michigan and beyond in various ways.

Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close 

Berry Gordy (far left) and Arthur Vandenberg (2nd to left)
Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close 

Berry Gordy ( is the founder of Motown Records.  He was responsible for introducing the world to Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, The Temptations, The Four Tops and many more.  Motown Records spearheaded the desegregation of music and put Detroit on the map for music.

Arthur Vandenberg ( was an isolationist Senator who became an "internationalist" when his eyes were opened during World War II.  He became a bipartisan leader and instrumental in the creation of the United Nations.

Michael Moore (left)
Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close 

Michael Moore (, love him or hate him, his film Roger and Me captured the rapid industrial decline and its impact on Flint and the Michigan region.  From there, he's made such films as Sicko, Fehrenheit 9/11, Bowling For Columbine as well as several books, TV shows, and music videos.  

Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close 

Henry Ford
Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close 

Henry Ford ( founded the Ford Motor Company, which brought the automobile to the masses by introducing auto production to the assembly line.  He had a vision of the world to promote peace though inexpensive mass produced goods and decent wages for employees.  It was Ford who made it possible for Michigan to become center of the "Arsenal of Democracy."

Chief Pontiac
Influential Michiganders Series, 2003
silkscreen on wood
© copyright Mike Kraus
Noah Hopson and Frances Close
Photos by Frances Close 

Chief Pontiac ( was a Native American leader of the Ottawa tribe that fought against British colonization of the Great Lakes region.  While winning several battles, he was unable to capture Fort Detroit.  He sparked a daring uprising to show that Native Americans would not willingly submit to genocide.

Joe Louis
Influential Michiganders Series, 2003

silkscreen on wood

© copyright Mike Kraus

Noah Hopson and Frances Close

Photos by Frances Close

Joe Louis ( was a record-breaking heavyweight boxing champion.  This legend of the ring also packed a powerful punch outside the ring as he fought the Jim Crow Laws of the south and the desegregation of professional golf.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Puppy Files

Scout testing out her new dog bed

 Megan testing out her new human chairs

This is from the last winter storm.  It's been nice out lately.  We have to prepare for tomorrow's Winter Storm Vulcan.   

Snow beard

I call this "the snowplow" 

My dog's pretty narcissistic being more fashionable than her owner and all... 

After committing the unforgivable act of giving a bath.

Scout and Bella sharing a bowl of water after rampaging throughout the house. 

"My tennis ball is under the couch.  I must get my tennis ball1" 

The look of a puppy that realizes she is stuck under your couch...

Rachel had a swim invitational a few weeks back.  It was a lot of fun and Megan and I literally watched from the rafters.  

 "This is a middle school aquatic center?  No wonder our taxes are outrageous."  

After hearing about difficulties one woman was having, I have a new ranking of problems: 1) Third World Problems 2) First World Problems 3) All Other Problems 4) Affluent Suburban Soccer Mom Problems.

 Rachel is the second splash from the top.


 Wait.  Poutine is just french fries with gravy and cheese.  And it's considered gourmet?  I guess I am a connoisseur of fine dining after all.  But, I may have to retract that since it came from the frozen section of Trader Joe's.

 For Valentine's Day, my dearest wife made me a huge batch of homemade Snicker bars.  What's the quickest way to a man's heart?  Through his chest.

Pretty low key lately.  So...