
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

That Snape Is Such A Jerk!

SNAPE KILLED DUMBLEDORE!  Why did he ever trust him?!?!  Just more evidence that I remain 12 years old (and my wife encourages it)...

So, Megan is out of town and I'm left to my own devices.  I didn't intend to buy this for dinner, but when I saw that Hamburger Helper had Beef Stroganoff and ULTIMATE Beef Stroganoff, the decision made itself.  What makes it "ultimate;" not sure...

Another "perk" of Megan being out town is watching terrible movies like Omega Man starring Charlton Heston.   Classic zombie flick.

And speaking of my blushing bride, here she is!  Who knew when I made these for our wedding that it was going to be a decoration for the house?

And, Megan's idiot husband...

So dreary.  I think this is as bright as it got all day today.  At least it wasn't a foot of snow or another ice storm.  

That's about it.  I've been pretty boring lately being sick and all.  Waiting to hear if Megan's flights will even make it in tonight.  Blah, blah, blah, etc...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

March of the Penguins

This is one of our newest acquisitions to our art collection.  Obviously, its a bunch of penguins painted by Megan's great grandma "Baba," from an experience she had cruising around the world.  

Not too much to report.  Dishwasher is now fixed.  No need for a new one as it was just a blown fuse.  Thank for all the help and advice on that.  Otherwise, been laying around the house.  Last weekend I was pretty sick with a cold and ended up reading tons of Harry Potter (I'm on the Half-Blood Prince for those keeping track) and the entire first season of Meerkat Manor.  I'm no longer contagious and the medicine seems to be doings its trick.  But, it's still lingering.  Maybe I'll be healthy this weekend?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sleepy... So Very Sleepy...

Feeling like this guy lately.  I think I've been battling a cold that everyone's been getting, which is better than the flu.  Anyway, it seems our house is becoming the house of weird cookie jars.  And yet, we never have cookies...

Bad ass motorcycle gang member made of shells!

SANTASAURUS REX!  Saw this guy on our walk through East Rochester last week. 

It's amazing walking through work these days because doors and hallways just magically appear out of nowhere. This one leads to the new clinic

My coworkers daughter makes all sorts of creative desserts.  Here's a teddy graham fishing swedish fish.  


"I KNOW YOU!  HELP!  I DON'T BELONG IN THIS OFFICE!"  Congrats to Karen on her new job even if Chance seems really confused on top of your desk.

That's it.  Nothing much happening lately and I'll probably rest a lot on the long weekend.  Some football tomorrow.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Broken Dishwasher

So, our dishwasher decided to stop working last night.  There is no power to the unit.  I checked the circuit breaker and it has not tripped.  It has a direct line for electricity and I cut power to it for a little bit to reset it with no results.  The door appears to be latching properly.  In general, nothing appears to be wrong with it.  Anyone have any ideas before I drop a fortune on repairs/replacement?


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oh Deer...

Ice skating with Rachel.  She's showing off her best figure skating pose.  

Deer wandering at the way back of the property

Pretty good sized deer.  And just look at how:
a) stubby his legs are
b) deep the snow is

MORE LOST ART FOUND!Who knows how much more of this stuff I have...

Obviously, I did not come up with the "Crazy" Tiger logo of the Detroit Tigers (why are his eyes perfect circles?).  This banner was for some project.  So, think of it as my version of Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup cans or something...

And, as everyone already knows, the holy war begins at home...

This is some kind of project with a bunch of figures from art history.  I don't remember why I made it.

Punk Rock...

Front side of a clipboard 

Back side of a clipboard.

That's about it from very snowy Rochester.  Got to go shovel some more!