
Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Land of Lincoln, Birthdays, and Deer

It was Christyn's b-day and we had a HUGE celebration at work!

Rockin' out!

This is "Dirt Cake" made of ground up Oreos by my anonymous boss lady

The birthday girl.

Yep, this will end up on Twitterbook...

The public pool at the forest preserve calling out to us saying "Come on kids! I know it's not that warm yet, but I can still be fun!"

Old washed out bridge in the preserve

In this picture, there are six deer. See if you can find them!

Bambi being scared off by me VERY quietly breaking every stick in the woods sneaking up on it.

My "wife of the future."

Unfortunate for her, I'm her "husband of the future" and I just broke the tree swing...

Megan pondering if there are trolls under the bridge...

PS - The cancelation of the Southside Irish Parade gets a big thumbs down from me. Chicago needs it's own little Mardi Gras to celebrate the end of the bitter winter.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day Excitement

Since everyone was too cool for St. Patty's Day on the Southside this year, Megan and I went house hunting instead. People are still in denial that their places are not worth a million dollars when it is only 500 square feet with no amenities. But, at least their willing to negotiate now...

My clipboard at work. Reminds me of a Northern Renaissance piece depicting a tale of foreboding if one takes the wrong actions at work. Or just a weird doodle...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Duel At the OK-Cubicle

A wee bit belated, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!

Here's everyone at Noah's b-day looking at Ms. Doctor who looks like she needs a doctor...

Noah in the foreground with everyone in the background

A series of photos of Frances and SME trying to "get it right." YOU DECIDE AMERICA!

My new duelin' screens at work. All I need now is some World of Warcraft to be the ultimate nerd...

PS - Who's going to the Southside St. Patty's Day Parade on Sunday?