
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We're Going To Need A Few Drinks If We Actually Do This...

Megan's work, AIAChicago, decided to throw us a Martini Engagement Party last Friday after work. It was very nice of them to do that for us and a lot of fun. Pictured above is my Orange Bitter Martini with Gin. It was damn good.

Here's Steve. He's an interesting guy. Every time I talk with him, some fascinating story or event happens. This Martini event is one of them. I had no idea he was such a Martini artist. He had this whole thing planned out with chilled glasses, ingredients, and crafted each drink to perfection by rubbing various fruit and stuff. It was amazing just to watch.

Here's Megan cutting up some Mango for a few drinks.

Here's the team at work

Here's Steve explaining the fine balance of making a Martini, "Well, it's a lot of alcohol with a small splash of juice." And that is why Megan and I ended up at Gino's East and ate a whole pizza afterwards...

PS - Has anyone else been watching the "THIS" Movie Channel? It's like HBO that you get with an antennae, but only shows really terrible B movies. And, if you know me, I love B movies. They had Charles Blakely's Monster, Species III, and millions of others I've never heard of before. It's pretty awesome. I highly suggest it...

Monday, January 12, 2009

I <3 New York City


Megan and Liz (the bride)

Look at our awesome hotel room at the Salisbury! We got at upgrade!

central park>

The Dairy>

I like the real bird poop behind the fake bird.

Not the usual type of ceiling you'd find in a public park
The Weather Station in Central Park

Inside the weather castle

The Met

<5th Avenue

The Plaza Hotel

The carriage rides into Central Park

FAO Schwartz!

Taking a lunch break at Trump Tower

Ol' St. Patrick's

Rockafeller Plaza

The site of the former World Trade Center

My first official piece of New York style pizza in New York. Notice how I have folded my pizza in half. Why? I don't know.

In Chicago, this may be seen in an alley. Not in NYC. This is right in front of Wall Street, which is probably one of the highest concentrations of wealth on earth. Yet, they have trash piled up on their sidewalk. True wealth, indeed...

The Statue of Liberty WAAAAAAAY off in the distance

The Brooklyn Bridge!

Superdawg and Hot Doug's is much better...


The New York Times building

I learned so much about coffee beans here...

A celebrity sighting!!!!

Toys R Us in Time Square!

,br>Looking good!

Columbia Circle


Grand Central Station

New York Public Library



Flatiron Building

I guess this is where they stick their homeless population in Manhatten...

A truck with a rocket strapped to it.


I left the station for food since the only thing I could find was a burger for $12. TO THE STREET VENDOR!!!



Welcome to Fairfield, Connecticut. This is where we had our rehearsal dinner at the Roger's house (of Roger's and Hammerstein) and also where Megan went to college.


Before we got real ugly. And we got real ugly that night. It wasn't the drinking or anything fun either. It was food poisoning or something. Worst night of my life and Megan's still dealing with it. What a fun plane ride home that was...


The happy couple