
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Happy Birthday Frances!!! We had a great time hanging out with you!!!

Leslie and Amanda with cat (Kung Fu or Pop Tart?)

Same cat

Frances (the b-day girl) and Noah (soon to be b-day boy).

Dinner at Feed the Beast. This use to be a funny little German restaurant. Now it's a funny little hipster restaurant

Frances and Leslie

Frances! You were suppose to make a stupid face! Now we have to do this all over again!!!

Noah and Frances at the Save More Bar. This bar was completely awesome. It was a dive with cheap beer, pool table, and jukebox.

Frances with our new favorite bartender Jason.

WHOA FRANCES! That's quite a chug you took!

When did the Save More turn into Coyote Ugly?

Megan, Leslie, Andrea, Jason, and Frances!

ANDREA: If blonde is "blonde," red is "redhead," and brown is "brunette," what is someone with black hair"
MIKE: Um... "Sulty?"
MEGAN: Definately a "Vixen."
JASON: VAMPIRE! What? No good? I'd make out with you...

Frances' new career path

Wise words are placed on post it notes

Leslie, Andrea, and Frances.

Leslie and Andrea rockin' out!

Leslie and Andrea in a nice pic

Leslie, me, and Andrea

Frances and Andrea w/ glasses

Leslie w/ glasses and Frances

Megan posing for the American Eagle catalog spread

Life's hard for Francy Pants blues musician

Noah is such a badass

Me with the redheads (Frances & Megan)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCES!!! Noah, what are we doing for you?

Please add my FACEBOOK page. I'm still sticking with MySpace, but using this as my "professional page" in hopes of getting a job.

Michael Kraus's Facebook profile

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Job Interviews Are the New Speed Dating

The Graham Foundation is putting on an exhibit about the Dutch architectural firm BIG. Here's a model for one of their projects made from Legos

This was suppose to be a pic of a Lego lady that looked like Megan. Instead, it looks like a still from a Tool video...

Just the citizens of Legoland partaking in commerce

Another model of another project

Here's an apartment complex called "Mountain." Since the Netherlands are flat, they created this artificial mountain. It's a parking garage with slanted terraced apartments.

Here's from another apartment complex. The client for this project called these "Leonardo Di Caprio Balconies" because all the tenants can pretend to be the star of the movie "Titanic."

A rare sight: Siberian Camels. Went to the Lincoln Park Zoo to check on the animals.

Here's a Detroit Tiger.

I wonder how they catch these guys in the wild.

Here's John Cougar Mellencamp

Went bowling at the Waveland Bowl. Ronan decided to have his last meal before going on a diet. He'll be lucky if this just isn't his "last meal" judging by how much cheese is squirted on his meal.

Ronan either bowling or his arm went numb from the heartattack.

"What did we do in high school? Oh yeah, what about bowling?"

Megan throwing heat.

Call me "Capt'n Consistency"

Rockin' Ronan Carroll - 1st place - 3rd place - 1st place
Maniac Megan Bell - 3rd place - 1st place- 3rd place
Medium Mike Kraus - 2nd place - 2nd place - 2nd place

Megan and Ronan trekking through the snowhills of the Waveland Bowl

Party at the Murder House.

Matt - the drunkest looking sober man I know

Megan and I aren't too keen on the whole V-day thing. Although, we did go to Noon O Kabab and Nazareth Sweets on Kedzie just south of Lawrence (both highly suggested). But, we do enjoy a good deal. This box of chocolates are normally $15. But, a day after V-day, they are only $2. WHAT A DEAL! Maybe next x-mas will be celebrated on December 26th...

The Shedd Aquarium is FREE this week to all my unemployed and underemployed friends. Also, the Field Museum is FREE all month. Give me a call if you want to go. Here are some fish with a sea urchin.

The Shedd has done a great job with remodeling their exhibits. It's annoying how they are charging extra for their dolphin show and under water thing. But, what can you do?

Another urchin!!!

Moon Jelly Fish. The four circles in the jelly are stomachs!!!

Look at this guy. He looks like he should be a mascot or logo for some minor league baseball team!

Giant Amazon fish!

Why does the head of this turtle look like a Baby Ruth candy bar that's been stepped on? Evolution is amazing. That's right, I said evolution; not intelligent design.

I annoy my girlfriend

My passport photo from Eastern Europe