
Monday, July 31, 2006

So damn hot...

Man, it's like a thousand degrees outside today. I can't believe there are actually people who purposefully move to places that are like this all the time. This reminds me of my trip to Death Valley, California when I was 17. I vowed then I would never live in a place without water. Thankfully, my girlfriend has air conditioning...

The new Pink Line Train!

Wicker Park Festival. Look at the size of that Guacamole (sp?) bowl!

Wicker Park Festival. They were missing two things for a good fair. Good cheap beer and Chicago sausages...

Wicker Park Festival from Damen Stop Blue Line

Streetwall just off of Congress

One of the tall ships in this week for the festival downtown

Alley behind my work

Wabash Streetwall between Adams and Jackson

Moose made of bumpers from that artist in Evanston

Frances who know lives in Evanston. We went to a few too many bars and had about a 5th too much Rum. Arg!

Twisting TV at ABC studios on State and Lake

Frances and I at Snickers on State

Nick Nummerdor and Lloyd


Frances and Matt.

Murder House neighbor, Christine (I believe)

Classified ads in Chicago

Matt is in awe

Frances and I somehow woke up at 7:30am sick to our stomachs, hungover, and trying to take the bus home. I didn't even get a nap in. Frances may be dead...

France Close. Intern, freelance artist, friend. R.I.P.

That's it from Chicago. I'm going to lay in front of the air conditioning and eat chips and cheese today. Much love.



Saturday, July 22, 2006

Diaries of An Ex-Punk

First of all, thanks to everyone for your support with the 'zine. I'm looking to put out another one in a few months and you are more than welcome to make submissions. To view the 'zine, please go to:

To view the website for the 'zine, please go to:

This is the Chicago First Lady. This is the boat I have to make sure nothing happens to. If this boat sinks, it is my responsibility to pull it out of the water.

Lower Wacker Drive.

I suggest we official become the "United Chirp of America." Although, our symbol is an eagle. And eagles don't chirp; they shriek!

Pretty Frances loves being in Chicago!

And the Amazing Amanda wants to come too!

Moments before some douchebag pissed under a table starting a bar brawl. For real...

Can you believe we use to be roommates? Maybe we will be again someday...


After 100+ years of great service, the Fullerton stop is being rebuilt. They are going to widen the platform and make it ADA compatible.

This is about a $500 million project that is expected to take about 6 years to complete. Not only this station, but the renovation of the entire Brown line.

Too bad this picture is so fuzzy. But, this is a camoflauge (sp?) jumpsuit. It's urban warfare attire for the classy lady.

This is a free dance class they do in Grant Park.

George W. Bush, you have been warned...

Cliff dreaming...

This is my new bike. It will be mine... Oh yes, it will be mine!

Weegee's, a new classy bar in the slums. Nice atmosphere and affordable beverages. What a great combo. Plus, a great selection of Michigan's finest beers.

Mike and Matt at Weegee's.

SME and Cliff at Weegee's.

Another bar shot of Weegee's.

Mr. Andrew Morgan. I hope you feel better now that your lung is re-inflated. Kate, sorry about not seeing you during the Lagwagon tour. I'm lame and went to bed somewhat early because of a job interview. Um, that's about it. Another busy week next week.



Friday, July 14, 2006

At the Press As We Speak...

Hey everyone,

I have a 'zine at the printshop right now. I'm suppose to pick it up around noon and then staple and distribute it this weekend. That's what you can expect to see next...

Stephano's "heart-shaped pizza for any special occassion at no extra cost!"

Looking at Noah's face, the heart-shaped pizza was the special occassion. Well, that and Frances moving to Chicago!


Stella's Bar. This place is awesome. Stella makes drinks as stiff as Mike's Inn, but with good liquor. Best $4 I've spent in a while.

Vincent set up a softball game and look who showed up! His name is Matt, he drives a motorcycle with a sidecar, and that's all I need to know he's good people.

Humboldt Park is really nice. No wonder all the homeless guys camp there.

Hot softball action on a small kickball field.

Laura so killed Vincent's pitch.

One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

This is actually an advertisement for CSI: Charlie Chaplin...

Montrose Harbor

Went to Montrose Park to see the movie Airplane!

"Instead of a drive-in, this is a walk-in." Do you know what? Chicago's awesome.

That's it from down here. Hope all's going well back in Michigan (or wherever you people moved to) and see you Chicagoans soon.

